
If you've been invited to a birthday party and you can't go should you call or is a text message ok?

by  |  earlier

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If you've come down with a real bad cold, is it ok to text message that you won't be attending your friends party or is it impersonal and bad to not call.




  1. I think you should reply in the same way the invite was sent with the exception being snail mail where it is ok to call at short notice.

  2. Don't send a text message.  Call.  It's much more polite, and will mean more to your friend.

  3. As your friend has already suffered a loss as you wouldnt be able to make it, id suggest you at least give them a call to assure them that you really do feel bad. So yeah you should call as it is much more polite and sincere and shows that you really do care.  

  4. It is best to call them personally.  If the person is used to text messaging for everything then text, but calling would be preferred.

  5. Make a call.

  6. I assume the invitation wasn't extended via text-message so, telephone.

  7. if it's a close friend and you know they won't care, just text, whatever.  if not, call so you dont seem rude.

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