
If you've been to COSTA RICA or known someone who has, are the hotels still at good prices??

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and what were your experiences in costa rica overall or someone u know who's travelled there pls?





  1. Lotsa good deals but you have to take the time to look.  I've been there 4x in the last couple years.  Pangea Hostel in San Jose is 25 a night for private room and they'll pick you up at the airport.  Safe and clean.  Surf Camp in Mal Pais has good rates, nice pool and bar.  Rockin Jays in Puerto Viejo is good.  Most hotels are in the 50 a night range, but if you hostel you can cut that by half easily.  Tucan hotel in Uvita is very good too.  Costa Rica is very cool, but watch out for ladronas (thieves)...lotsa scams to fleece the unwary.  Have fun!  Pura Vida!

  2. The price range for hotels is huge.  You can stay in nice places for quite cheap or you can pay $600 per night at  a more luxurious place.  

    I have stayed in both types and I have not had bad service in either one.  Even the less expensive hotels I have stayed in were nice, with good good, and great people.  

    It depends on the area you want to stay in but most of the hotels have a website to check prices.  

    I use this website sometimes, as it has some good reviews.  The reviews have seemed pretty accurate.

  3. You can find all hotels in Costa Rica are in ICT, Costarican Institute of Tourism.

    I added the link an affiliate site were you will find all the prizes and locations.

    Its sponsored by the government so it should have accurate information, the costarican hotels association

  4. There are hotels in all price ranges, mostly between $50-$150.

    The $50 ones are very clean, secure and close to town.

    If you would like I can reserve one for you.

    Lic.Gregory Kearney Lawson.

  5. i am costa rican and dear it all depends on where ur going. if ur heading to guanacaste it's expensive but the best beaches. usually u'll find good places cheap ones too

    but the dollar is going down so HURRY!!!

  6. Shop around for "little" hotels, hostels, or various smaller hotels that are off the beaten path.  Many "botique" hotels are just a few blocks from the downtown area and are considerably cheaper.  I believe many of them are simply converted houses.

    I stayed at the La Amistad several years ago.  It is not far from downtown and pretty comfortable.

    Costa Rica has a well developed tourism infrastructure.  They know what they are doing.  Bus tours to the volcanos, rivers, coffee plantations, and beaches are great.  Try the Butterfly Farm  and the hummingbird sanctuary next door.  There is a fabulous river walk also next to it.

    If you do a little research and book the trip on your own you can save a lot of money and design a fabulous experience!

  7. If you go to and click on Costa Rica Info and then click on Hotels you will get links to a bunch of hotels and prices. Look at the one that says under $100 a night and you'll find some in the 30's that are pretty nice. There are also a lot of Hostels in CR that are like $8 a night.

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