
If you've ever had a deer/car collision, do you feel sorry for the deer?

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Hurting the animal makes me feel worse than the damage to my car.

Is this weird?




  1. No!  It is normal it shows you care, sorry about the deer and the car but it happens and you can hit the brakes but sometimes they just jump in front of you and it is too late. Be sad for the deer and grateful your alive or safe it could of been worse.

  2. You just got a soft heart for the critters!

    Me,  I get pissed!   How dare that stupid deer not cross at a crosswalk?   And against the light to boot?    The nerve of  it!

  3. no

  4. No, not weird at all. They are innocent victims to this fast paced life of humans. I hate it when the trucks get them! I hate it when any animal gets it.

  5. yes, i do feel bad for the deer, but am a little nervous of what damage has been done to my car.

  6. Yes it it sad and no you are not weird.

  7. I think that for the most part...any moral human would have pity on the deer. However, going above all the moral dilemma you have to think about what the consequences are if you could have avoided it. There have been many numerous consequences of death by deer. Deer coming through the windshield, motorist swerves to avoid deer going into pole, going into ditch...and other fabulous details. The bottom line is that deer versus me and car (or truck) in my situation and sorry for your luck deer.

  8. yes. you should tell to every one so that they can give you advice

  9. you are not weird

  10. Yeah it sucks, especially if its a doe with newly dropped fawn.  But, if it happens, I immediately will do what I can to put the animal out of its misery.  Then instead of letting the meat go to waste I take it home and in the freezer it goes.

  11. the last time i had a close encounter with a deer was during their mating season. I was stopped on the highway so the female could cross but the male ran right into my vehicle. He collapsed on the side of the road. He eventually got up and ran off. I had over $3,000 worth of damage but then again I said stupid deer

  12. No. After all the deer is alive, the car isn't, and can be fixed by insurance.

    The bad part is people getting hurt or worse..

    This is a big problem in some areas where hunting is not popular and so not allowed, the deer flourish. So what to do?

  13. No.

  14. hey dont worry about it if you hit a deer look at it this way youve just got a new paint job and you can take the deer home for supper

  15. naaaaaaa.....pity for the deer...........sniff...sniff....I have a soft spot in me 'eart fer poor animals Ya now

  16. No, I feel sorry for me because now I have to clean the p**p out of my pants.

  17. Yes I feel sorry for the deer....unless of course the SOB gets up and runs away and I'm sitting there with a smashed up front end and antifreeze leaking like I sob, then no, I have no remorse for the deer except to hunt the little Bambi down and make Bambi steaks

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