
If you've ever run over an animal, what kind of animal was it??

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personally, i haven't, but i like freak out if i'm close to running over a squirel or something... so if u have i'm just curious as to what u have run over...




  1. Frogs.. many many frogs on rainy days.

  2. No but I did hit a bird once.

  3. I hit a porcupine and it was sad!

  4. i ran over a squirrel couple years ago.

  5. yes, i have run over an armadillo, they cross the road all the time where i live

  6. I have hit turtles and chipmunks before. It made me sad because I hate hitting any animal. I also ran over a deer once that was already dead. I came around a curve and there it was I did not have enough time to swerve because a car was coming from the other direction. It was disgusting. I got deer guts underneath my car. I had to spray a water hose underneath my car to get all of it out. It still smelled for days.


  8. Crow--Landed in front of me

    Several squirrels...usual, they run out then run back.....that is usually when they get nailed

    Seagull---flew across the front of my car and got wedged in the recessed headlights of my 1985 Mustang

  9. A hedgehog wandered into the road and popped its head up and stared at me coming straight at it at freeway speeds.  It didn't move.  I wasn't going to swerve.  It went thunk!  I saw it flipping end over end in my rear view mirror.  

    An owl (I think it was a white spotted owl) flew in front of my van and broke out the turn signal lense.  

    A herd of deer ran out in front of me and I slammed on the brakes, dodging to the right in a gap between deer, so I didn't hit any, but I cut off the path of Bambi, and he ran into the side of my car.  But I was only going about 20 by the time he ran into me, so he just ran off.

  10. In the context of driving, a few skunks, a couple of squirrels, a dog. While not technically running over, I've had several birds hit the windshield. The grossest by far was a buzzard that lodged in the winch of my Jeep.


  11. I ran over an aligator once in south Florida. Big sucker. Nearly crashed. Didn't even bother him. I looked in my mirror and he just scooted across the road and back into the swamp. Had to have my front end realigned afterwards.

  12. Yep, I've hit a few - birds mostly...Even got hit by a dog once when it ran into the side of my front wheel.

    Just remember, you and your passengers are more important than any animal that wanders across your path...If you can't slow down in time, then you have to hit it...Turning sharply to avoid hitting an animal and losing control of the vehicle then perhaps hitting a human or a tree instead are not good options...It is an unfortunate aspect of driving...I know in some states it can be very bad for the driver if the animal is large , like a deer or a moose...People have been killed or injured; it didn't do too much good for the animal either.

    Try not to dwell on it.

  13. when i went to Mexico my aunt ran over a huge snake that was crossing the road and its guts came out it was nasty!!!

  14. I hit an apposum. Or do you mean with a car? Oh, well i hit it with a rock and killed it... I felt bad, but it was necessary, they are like a plague in my area and always raid the turkey coups and wreck stuff. I watched a large SUV run over a large dog and i heard things that shouldn't ever be heard, took me awhile to get that out of my system. Sad, and the owner was right there. He freaked! Poor souls.

  15. a cat, bird, kangaroo and almost a turtle, seriously...

  16. sick fxckin question dudee.

  17. i have hit a dog once it was so sad i cried forever.  i also ran over a dead possum

  18. I have run over 2 cats... one ran off, the other I took to the vet. I almost ran over a bird because I thought it would fly away, but later found out it was a baby one...  I've seen lots of squirrels and a deer or two, but never come too close!

    ahh.. I hit some frogs, I forgot about that... darn it!

  19. A squirrel and I screamed hysterically.

  20. I hit a raccoon, and I felt it hit the underside of my car under my foot. it was disgusting. and I felt awful.

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