
If you've learned one thing in your time here on earth, it would be?

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If you've learned one thing in your time here on earth, it would be?




  1. I am still 16, but I have been pondering the meaning of life.  You dont live life, but life lives you.  You are the dance and it is the dancer.  Let it guide you to your meaning.  For the meaning of life is to live a life of meaning, it is simple as that.  Everyone has a different meaning, a different goal.  Many will never achieve it because they are caught up in society's rules.  They go to work in the morning and go to sleep at night.  I am going to travel the world, and will die trying if that is what it takes.

  2. Thats the world is full of hate and you have to stay strong and fight through as a good person. Becasue goos always defeats evil. Now perople lets the bad "win". the bad hasn't won you just lost and became one of them.  

  3. Never, ever, eat yellow snow...

  4. There is plenty of beauty in life but no magic.

  5. People suck

  6. I have learned that carrots won't fit up my nose very far.

  7. A strange equation that ensures that the more you run after snatching joy for yourself, the more it eludes you and conversely, the more you give joy to others, the more it grows within you!!

  8. You will reap what you sow....

  9. torture is scary.

    not that i would know.

  10. 'Invisible hand', a theory; by adam smith, a famous economist. Basically it states that everyone is guided by a dog called "ego"; selfishness is the underlying source of all. It works not only at free market but in reality as a whole.  

  11. ive learned that no matter how bad things get and how bad I may think it is. I try to remind myself that there is always something good and in htat same card that it could be worse.

  12. be grateful for what you have before its gone and what u reap u will sow  

  13. always love thyself.

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