
If you EVER went on a paranormal investigation w/a group,eventually did u exp.uncanny events??

by  |  earlier

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just joined a reputable local group.

They were even on the Maury show [was supposed to be a part of it,but couldn't make it]

Fortunately they contacted me again :o)

So am getting prepared for an upcoming investigation, my 1st one ever!!

Always have been drawn to this type of stuff waaaaaaaay b4 it "was in", whatever

Anyway, of course I do realize it is work and having patience,ect

IF YOU ARE a researcher/have exp. w/this ...

what types of uncanny unexplainable things happened??





  1. I have been in the field for over ten years. I am not impressed with groups who have made public appearances to boost their own image since an overwhelming majority of these groups truly have nothing to offer this field. If you're in it for the attention and fame then go for this group, just be careful what you wish for since most groups get just what they want (only not how they intended it).

    If you have a desire to have true experiences and work with those who care about this field then I would distance myself from the groups who are jumping on the latest bandwagon of trying to be famous.

    I try not to talk about my personal experiences in the internet world since there is so much misinformation and misleading investigators who fudge their findings and experiences, once someone puts their experiences out there someone will trump them with their own (typically out of fabrication).

    Most of your experiences will not be as exciting as you think. Hours of sitting around collecting data followed by hours of interpreting and listening/viewing data. The real life of a paranormal investigator is not all that glamorous. You will hear fantastic stories from families and individuals, but rarely will you ever experience what they do. On occaision your senses will get the best of you and you will think you see something, and even rarer yet you will experience a fleeting shadow, tap on the arm, exciting EVP or see objects move.

  2. Uncanny depends upon what you mean by uncanny. As a investigative group leader, those around me expect me to be above reacting to "uncanny" events. I have heard things that are hard to explain, seen things that are hard to explain. if you going out because your looking for thrills, dont. If your thinking its all about having a fun time as if your going to the haunted house, its not. Its very boring work. Most all of the time, you come away with nothing. I agree with earlier responses publicity seeking groups. most people dont want you pulling up to their house with t-shirts and logos, logos on the sides of your vehicle. They want you to be descrete. Hotels and businesses on the other hand want the free publicity.

  3. Please read my previous answer a few questions down.  I love that people like you are curious and are active in investigating the world around them.  However, it disheartens me to see so many people invalidating their work through flawed methodology.  Have fun with the experience, but don't get carried away.  Stay as objective and impartial as you can when you are investigating.

  4. I was only worried if I did encounter something that it would follow me home and stay.

  5. BP Guy is right. Ghost hunting can be very tedious work, and sitting or walking around a field/house/cemetery in this kind of weather really tests your dedication and determination. My group and I go out every Wednesday, and for some reason, it's very rare for us not to catch at least one orb or some EVP. We had some really exciting stuff happen to us when we went to a cemetery recently, and later a Civil War battlefield. I'd rather not talk about here, much like BP Guy.

    I will tell you that sometimes it's as simple as feeling the hair  on the back of your neck stand up or as complex as feeling physically pulled to one spot or hearing a whisper in your ear. All of these have happened to people in my group, myself included. We have captured some really clear EVPs and some not so clear, and have caught a lot of orbs and faces.

    Good luck, and remember, have fun. Don't go out expecting bad things to happen or they will in a big way.

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