
If you GET a picture and it has some words in it and u WANT to REMOVE it?

by  |  earlier

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is there a program that does that?




  1. Yes, a photo editing program.  There are several.

  2. You need to give me the picture first.

  3. photoshop can do that.

    and from there im giving you a video.

    of HOW to do it(:

  4. Assuming the picture is on your computer, you can edit it with Paint (see below if you do not know how to do this).

    In Paint, there are several ways to remove parts of the picture. One way is as follows:

    1) From the Tool Box, select [left click] the white rectangle, which is the top item in second row on the left hand side;

    2) Move the cursor to the beginning of the area you wish to remove and left click;

    3) Move the cursor to create a rectangle over the entire area you want removed;

    4) Once you are satisfied with your selection, press "delete" key.

    5) Save the picture and the removal is complete.

    If you do not like the results, go to "Edit" and choose "Undo" and repeat.

    There are always other ways, some include: use the paint brush [4th item, 2nd row]; use the eraser [2nd item, 1st row), use any of the shapes [last two items in both rows], etc...

    All items work in much the same way.

    Experiment to see what works best for your situation. By using a COPY of the original picture, you can always go back to the beginning and redo until it is right.


    HOW TO START PAINT: [first make a backup copy]

    1) point to picture icon with cursor

    2) right click and from the drop down list, point to "Open With"

    3) on the recommended program drop down list, left click on "Paint"

    If Paint is not on your list, left click on "Choose Program..." and look for "Paint"



    "Tool Box" can be used, if you can see it.

    It can be seen, if it is checked in "View"

    To check it, go to "View," point at it and left click.

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