
If you HAD to choose your childs future career?

by Guest65264  |  earlier

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I wouldn't want to choose for them, but I'm saying this as if the goverment forced parents to make the choice....what career would you choose based obviously on their personality and why?




  1. I don't want to chose either.  My son is very good at debating, it's a natural talent, so I say attorney for him.  My daughter is pretty creative and thinks outside the box a lot, so something artistic for her.

    Ultimately I want my kids to have a skill so that they can support themselves and aren't struggling to pay bills.

  2. I would chose for my son to be a Soldier. I know people are gonna disagree but he comes from a long line of Army people. He would go to Westpoint and become an Officer so he wouldnt be a grunt like daddy. It would make him responsible, proud, courteous etc.

  3. an internationally syndicated radio and television host why because my 15 month old daughter NEVER stops talking,good luck with baby x

  4. I don't have children ... but it's already been discussed that no matter what Baseball will be the thing for our sons ... as soon as they're  old enough for Tball. Ballet for our girls.

    I want a:

    NY Yankee




  5. My son's only 18 months, so i have only gotten a glimpse of his personality, but based on a good job, i'd say an accountant.

  6. I would say an author. Keep some creative-ness flowing :] I hope my little boy becomes an author one day.

  7. My 6 yr old will be a scientist, he's already made up his mind.

    My 10 month old will probably be an actor, he already know what a camera is and smiles as soon as he sees one!

  8. If I absolutely had to make the choice?  Well, it would definitely not be any career that has a time limit on.  In other words, no professional sports careers, modeling or anything else that usually has a maximum of 15 years before you're booted out the door.

    I would say a career that is limitless with possibilities, challenging and something that makes a difference and has my son wanting to do his job because he enjoys it.

    So something like a doctor, medical researcher or something along those lines.  I would want to pick something that is not only going to be needed for a long time (and let's face it, some careers have a time and place and do get outdated) and would be lucrative.  Because who wants their kids to end up poor?

  9. my daughter wants to be a obgyn  shes only (3) lol but she says that,  not sure about my son hes 6 months old,  i put back  $  every mo   for there career oneday, whatever they do ill be happy and pround :) you never know what they will be. my husband went to school 4 yrs to be a dr, then moved to america now he owns gas.stations ,

  10. Texas Mommy beats her ugly children. God isn't real, when will you realize this you ignorant person you?

  11. A Teacher or Doctor.

  12. 6 year old daughter: She will be a teacher, she makes that clear that she wants to be a teacher like her parents. She loves to play school and pretend she is her little sister's teacher.

    2 year old daughter: She's a little to young to tell yet but I would say a lawyer, because she is very good at getting what she wants. She makes it clear how things should and will be.

  13. rabbi (priest)

  14. id want them to do whatever makes them happy, but id prefer a 'professional' type job, rather than a labourer or something pretty much because of the danger factor lol

  15. If I *had* to choose....hmmm.

    My son I'd love to have him grow up to find the cure for cancer.  Lord knows everyone would love that.

    My daughter, I'd want her to have an amazing voice and use it for God's glory.  

    But I'll support them in what ever it may be that they want to do in the long run with their lives (well as long as it's not illegal!).  They have a long way to go for that. :)  Good luck in a week when your little one arrives!

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