
If you HAD to place you child for adoption?

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Lets say you're dying tomorrow and have no family and you were FORCED to place your child.... (I know someone who was in this situation God rest his soul)

What kind of parents would you seek for your children?

Would there be anything that would put a g*y couple at the top of your list over all of the possible parents out there?

Just curoius.




  1. I'd want someone who had like minded views about parenting. I wouldn't care if they were of a different ethnicity, in a different country, or g*y.

  2. If everyone else I knew was dead too, and I was dying tomorrow, and I had 0 choice but to place with strangers or else nuclear bombs were going to go off and blow up the entire earth if I didn't give my child up for adoption and God came down and personally said "hey Marsha, you have no choice, really, I'm not kidding..." and then the Buddha appeared and said "no really, he's serious" (cause I'm not christian, I'm buddhist, you know) then a g*y couple would be equal in my eyes to a married couple.

  3. yes i would let my child go to g*y couple they are the nicest people i have several firends and they are more loyal then the ones that are straight sorry but its true. take care.

  4. I have to say honestly, that this would have to be an unbelievably tragic world catastrophe for this to happen to my family.  In order for this to happen my husband, my 3 siblings, his 6 siblings, all 8 of our parents (two biological and two step parents apiece), our 2 remaining grandparents, all 4 of my step mother's siblings, all 5 of my dad's siblings, all 9 of my husband's mother's siblings,  all 14 of my husband's dad's siblings, all 23 of my first cousins, all 6 of my husband's first cousins, and all 6 of our friends (who are *ALL* in line to inherit our children should we die....and we have more family, those are just the ones in line right now) would have to die simultaneously.   Riiiiiiiight.

    But let's say that all **87** members of our family who stand to inherit our children are on a boat in the middle of the ocean that gets struck down by the hand of God and the next day I was going to die of a terminal illness-and assuming there were two couples of exactly the same merit who would both meet my other requirements one straight and one g*y-I would perfer that my children go to a husband and wife rather than a g*y couple.  I'd rather my children go to a husband and wife than two straight people who aren't married, or a single mom, or a single dad.  It's not because I dislike g*y/unmarried/single people, but because that environment is closer to how I choose to raise my children myself, and I would want their homelife to remain as unchanged as possible......

    Though that may be hard considering the recent demise of all 87 of their closest family members AND their mother.

  5. The one thing that would make me put a g*y couple at the top of my list is the fact that they have to put up with a lot of drama from the world because of their orientation so I know they would be more open minded and non-discriminatory in raising my children.  Which is something I totally believe in.  I want my children to be raised without prejudices.  I want them to know everyone should be themselves.  So whether it was a g*y couple or a straight couple or even a single person as long as they were open minded and responsible and had the same morals i wouldn't care.

  6. I would look for someone who would love my child and teach then things and talk about me to them so that they will never forget me.

  7. I wouldn't discriminate against a g*y couple.  

    I would try and find the right fit for my child, one where they can have the same upbringing as my husband and I could have provided, with the same opportunities that we can provide.  If a same s*x couple fit the bill the best, I would have no issues with placing my child with them.

  8. Why would be in the g*y couples?only two moms or two dads..IT IS NOT COMPLETE..a family consists of one mom and one dad and a child or children..

    But the first choice will be the closest in the family.

  9. Most import I would search for people like me. I would want them to have a life as close as possible to the one I would have given them. I would want people who would love my children flaws and ALL, who value honestly, and tolerance, who practice patience and understanding towards those who are different and YES if would consider a g*y couple to raise my children, in fact due to my belief system of non judgment and tolerance I would quite possibly look for a g*y couple who would be open to searching out a either a maternal or paternal figure to meet my children's needs cause by being in a g*y home.

  10. Being a L*****n I would have no problem placing my child with a g*y couple, however the bottom line is the welfare of my child and whoever I felt would love and accept my child unconditionally whether g*y or straight.

  11. I would seek to live.

    Your question aims to put the responder under pressure, to simulate the duress a birthmother might feel.  But there is a flaw in the situation you proposed.  In nearly all cases, the circumstances that drive a birthmother to consider adoption are temporary.  Adoption, however, is permanent.

  12. No at no time would I choose a g*y couple to raise my children.  My kids have a mom and a dad now and I would want it to remain that way.  I would want a family that is physically able, mental healthy, financially stable, and is a Christian family.  I would like the family to be similar to ours and to live in the same area (to avoid more changes for my kids).  I cannot imagine this happening but if it did it would be one of the hardest choices I would ever have to make!!!

  13. Sneaky way to ask about g*y couples adopting.  Seriously.

    If for some odd reason, my entire extended family, all of my friends and I were to meet an untimely demise all at once, and my children were left without their parents and family, I would want the most loving, nurturing family to adopt them and raise them as their own - and if that meant a g*y couple was the best candidate, fine by me.

  14. Uh...nothing would put a g*y couple or a straight couple at the top of my list simply because of their sexuality.  I just want the best parents for my kids.  Why drag sexuality into this question, anyway?  It's just completely missing the point of parenthood and adoption!

    Besides...I have endless people to pass my children onto.  There is no way in h**l that I'm gonna snub my best friend over some g*y couple just because I don't want to look "discriminating" or something.  Blood first, then best friends, then friends, then aquaintances, and then the best possible people for the job that I don't know at all.  Those are my priorities.  Yes, the priority list does not include information on their sexual lifestyles.  Deal with it.

  15. sory g*y couple wouldnt be on the top of my list either in saying that no offence to the g*y world i have an aunty and a cousin who are both g*y. I would look to direct immediate family realatives on both sides of the family.

  16. Okay - my ten ka-zillion relatives are gone  - who, who?

    Had I been asked that 3 years ago I would say some nice hetero, suburb couple.  But, since then, I met J and her female spouse K (legally married in a state more enlightened than mine).  In a heartbeat I would choose them.  And they aren't even planning a family right now.  Surprise!!  Love ya J and K!!

  17. There is nothing that would even put a g*y couple remotely near my list.

    I would place my child with one of my many like minded friends, if I were without any family to place them with.

  18. Like Tobit, I would try to live, but honestly it would depend on the couple, empathy is what I would look for above all,

  19. What would be wrong with letting happy people raise my children?  They would probably be very sad with me dead and all.  They would need a little sunshine in their lives anyway.

    I don't see what the question is.

  20. No fair!  I don't like this question - the very thought of it has made my stomach turn somersaults!

    What a horrible situation for the kids to be left in with no mother and no family (I have three little ones)

    To answer your question re g*y couples, I think the type of person and their values would take precedence over their sexual orientation

  21. We've actally thought of this before. If my husband and I were to both to die, and for some reason both sets of our parents were unable to care for our children, and none of our siblings were curently in the position to raise (more) children, then we would hope our children could be raised by close friends of ours.

    We are very good friends with a couple who are in a long stable relationship, mature, responcible, financially stable, ADORE our children, and happen to be both male. So, yes, if family was not available, then the fact that they would be excellent parents would be much more important then the fact that they are a g*y couple.

  22. Well, both my husband and I come from huge extended families, so its hard to imagine a scenario where we wouldn't be able to find acceptable friends/family members.  But, for the sake of the question...

    I'd want to find a couple with similar views on parenting as me, who was loving and nurturing, had good financial stability (wouldn't need to be wealthy, but certainly stable), and who I felt would do right by my children.

    As far as the g*y issue was concerned...I wouldn't necessarily object to that couple being a g*y couple.  But to be completely truthful...if I had to choose between 2 couples (1 hetero, 1 homosexual) who were otherwise equal in every relevant way, I'd choose the heterosexual couple.  After all, you'd try to choose a couple who was most similar to what your children would experience being raised by you.

  23. If there were a to couples with all equalt traits other than one is g*y then NO I wouldn't place my child with them. I chose a mom and a dad for my daughter 8 years ago and there are plenty of loving straight couples looking to adopt.

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