
If you Saw the Grim Reaper what would you do?

by Guest44539  |  earlier

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...what would you do...or what would you tell him?

The Grim Reaper is a Leo btw....Well this one anyways.




  1. Ummm, I would ask'em if there''s air conditioning in h**l or something. I would ask if his suit is made of asbestos or stuff like that. Would offer him beer and sharpen his whatchamecallit...LOL

  2. .......I'd say " yo cuz.....lend me your sickle sharpener"......"and by the way should take a day look like death warmed over"......."I'm just saying.....".

  3. I'd go with him gladly, but I might ask him about my destination.  

  4. "You're early... Cool coat, though. Wicked sickle, too. Beer?"


  5. i would shake his hand and then unexpectedly drop dead.

    then i would be very mad...

    cancer sun

    aries rising

  6. Cool, I'd want to see who was under the robe hehe!

    i'm aquarius

  7. If the Grim Reaper looked anything like Brad Pitt off of "Meet Joe Black"...I would jump him and rape him with kisses! lol

    Scorpio (cusp Libra)

  8. i'd become friend wiht him and then introduce him to some of my friends

  9. Lol! I always thought the Grim Reaper was a Taurus, buuuut if you say he's a Leo then okay! :D

    I would umm...ask him if I could trade places for a day muahaha...j/k j/k


  10. I would ask him...."What have you done with Tril????"

    then I would somehow force the answer out of him! lol

    oh well...

  11. I would say WHAT the h**l ..where have you been.. you forgot about our killing spree.. dont forget my bday is coming up..on our favorite holiday..halloween..yeah we'll party after

  12. I would give him a big hug!

    Maybe chat with him a bit about how it feels to be the ruler of death and all, then take him out to lunch afterwords.


  13. Oh Oh by Grim Reaper did u by any chance mean the cartoons?He's really friendly!Just bully him ^^

  14. oh Good.......

    Since he is in the nude, I will just turn him around and bend him over.....

  15. he was cooler on cartoon network.

    but I'd give him a high five for being a leo.

  16. Ummmm...what would I tell him? Its kind of hard to talk to someone when you're running in the other f***ing direction. I wouldn't stick around to have chit chat if I saw Death coming my way. What would we talk about anyway? Politics?

    I would like to see what's hanging where underneath his robe though, from a distance of course. I've always wondered about that. Hmmm.....What does your "nude" look like? =D

  17. I'd ask for some identification.  While he looked through his robe for it I'd bolt!

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