
If you Won 300 million dollars in the state Lottery... is there anything Malicious you would do, any scores...

by Guest66946  |  earlier

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Who said "evil" LMAO, I said Malicious... everyones on such a high horse today LMAO.




  1. they say living well is the best revenge.  although there are a lot of people i would make sure knew how well i was living.  and  i do like the idea of buying houses on either side of someone and harassing them.  i did see on the news one time where someones burglar alarm was going off for a week when people were out of town.  boy that would be good.  oh sorry neighbor.

  2. Eh, I wouldn't even waste my money on people I didn't like. I'm very greedy and would want to spend all that money on myself. They can enjoy there little life, I'm a millionaire now.

  3. Anything malicious? Are you trying to get me to admit I'd put a hit out on my cheap *** husband?

    Seriously though, I'd just buy a a Mercedes McClaren.

    *Oh hey..just a thought..If I'm that rich; can I buy Yahoo Answers and set up a system that hunts down and destroys Trolls? It could be like that character in Fahrenheit 451..that mechanical dog thing that hunts you down mercilessly, without ceasing until it destroys you!   bahahahahah Yeah..that's what I want.

  4. buy 300 million lottery tickets.

  5. pay all my family's bills,  move my grandma/grandpa out of there house, build my mom an awesome dream home, and me one to, buy some car's for me, friends and family, and travel like crazy oh and shop! LoL.

  6. I'd just simply disappear and only my closest and dearest family and friends would know where I was.  I don't need any free loaders kissing my butt after I'm rich.

  7. I'd use it to promote Whirled Peas!

  8. i do all the things i wanted to do all my life like climb

    and buy my dream cars and ofcourse some to charity..

    y did u win??sharing is caring you know ;)

  9. oh I would be free of all of the people who caused issue in my life...that would be me moving need to be a hater

    I would get Red Sox tickets on First Base side for the rest of my life! And find some great villa in western mexico for vacations, and then I would pre-pay tuition for my kids to go to any school they want!

    ...oh and quit my current job and wait for the best offer to come own company!

  10. If you would use the money for evil purposes you don't deserve it.

  11. The easy part is to win in it the hard part is to keep from disappearing and make grow and live peace with oneself.Also it help if one has level head people around and keep that person ground and does destory one self.

  12. Besides making sure that anyone that ever wronged me knew that I was now filthy I don't think that would be considered malicious, but that's about the worse I would do. I would be more focused on doing good with it.

  13. You definitely got my vote for your answer! Thumbs up to you ;-)

  14. yeah id play this game decay of camelot and spend 100k on ruining peoples day,wannna find out more on decay of camelot go here.....

  15. I would take out an ad against my 7th grade teacher who said I would never amount to anything.  Boo Mr. Luthy.

  16. I would maybe go to every MLB stadium and then just go crazy with the money.

  17. I can't say I have any real personal vendettas, but there is someone who once hurt another who I deeply care about.  Without getting into details, he used her for his own selfish purposes and then discarded her like a piece of trash.  He is also a very powerful and well-connected individual.  300 million dollars would go a long way in taking him down and allow my plan to be put in place without him ever knowing the identity of the real mastermind.  First, I would hire a top-notch private investigator to obtain as much information about him as possible.  His personal and family life, his business and political connections, his financial records, his medical records, his likes and dislikes, his strengths and weaknesses, his ATM password, his pants size, the name of his pet, anything I can possibly get my hands on.  Then, using that information, I would slowly and methodically strip him of all his supports and assets (i.e., planting real and false information to erode the trust of his support system, destroying his property, random beatdowns and muggings).  I would take my time, because, as they say, revenge is a dish best served cold.  Once he has lost everything he holds dear in his life, then I will publicize the story of his downfall for all the world to see and the reasons why he came to such an end.  Muahahahahahahahah!

  18. I would be happy and not look to get even with anyone. You must be very vindictive to even think of a question like that.

  19. I would buy a nasty beater of a car -- an old war horse 1970s Dodge and I would mount a snow plow to it.

    I would trawl the SoCal freeways waiting for people to cut me off, or tailgate.... then slam the brakes on, or steer them off the road politely.

  20. I would buy the houses on either side of my ex-wife's and build real obnoxious houses with the colors she hated most.

  21. wouldn't it be nice?

    i would leave my house move me and my whole family in a huge mansion travel the world and folo my dreams until im broke...

  22. Yeah I would take my money and go another country or buy my own Island some where... That way everything that I spend my money on doesnt go to the Government, taxes, interest, blah, blah... Sooo I would get vendictive towards the Government.

    Out of the 300million uncle sam wants more than half.. Ridiculous

  23. I'm not a person of revenge it seems rather petty and Jerry Springerish, KARMA always gets you 3 fold. I would give half to a poor family in Albania

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