
If you a virgin......... i wanted to know

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  1. if your a virgin of course your tight... it will feel like your private area is congested and like it kind of hurts.....

    but the pain varies like they said. it depends what your rate of taking pain is. my 1st time wasnt so bad....

    good luck!!! dont be scared youll have to do it some time in life perferably after you get married....

  2. if you use tampon it will hurt less because the skin will have been broken and he wont have to brake it which will make it more hurtfull

  3. Yes, initially intercourse is painful.  But the more nervous you are the worse it will be.  You will be 'tight' because you have not yet had s*x.  

    If you are freaked out by the idea, then wait for a good while, until you meet someone so special you are willing to bear a lot of discomfort in order to be closer to.  s*x is NOT an after school actiity.   Those who make it that will be dreadfully disappointed.  

  4. if ur a virgin u are tight

  5. I'm tight

  6. What?! If you're a virgin, you're tight.

  7. you know if your loose or tight by if you have put anything big up there. if not then you are tight if its really big then maybe loose but the v****a bounces back like a rubber band. not all the way but some

    it will hurt the best thing to do is wait until your ready and use lots of lube.

    I'm 18 a virgin and god d**n proud of it. i have a bf of 6 months and we going to wait until i can afford birth control.

    you can love without s*x and you can have s*x without love

  8. email me at

  9. it will hurt but if your nervous it will hurt alot more and ur prolly tight

  10. without?

    well u can alwats stuff some fingers in there and find out

    dont have s*x unless uve done everything else, after doing everything else ur hymen will probably be broken anyway

  11. No...but if you're a virgin then of course you're tight.

    It'll probably hurt, but the pain varies from girl to girl.  For me it hurt BAD lol.

  12. well i guess not just try to stretch it out a bit with out going inside

  13. More than likely, it will hurt your first time, or even your first couple of times.  Be sure to do it with someone you really love, and who really loves you, first of all so you won't regret it later, and second of all, so you can be sure he will be gentle with you your first time, so that it doesn't hurt so badly.  I'm not going to tell you to wait until marriage (my personal philosophy), but if you are going to do it, at least be safe.  You should get on the pill, AND have him use a condom.  Also, especially for your first few times, use lube, so that it won't be so painful.  If you want to talk some more before making such a big decision, feel free to talk to me.  I'm 16 years old, and it's not like I even know you, so I obviously wouldn't tell anyone.

  14. It will hurt like the first 3 or 4 times you do it. It will hurt alot.

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