
If you accidently called an ex, would you keep talking to them so as to not be rude?

by  |  earlier

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If you hadn't talked to them in a long time? Let's say you accidently called them when you meant to call someone else.




  1. You can try saying. HI, sorry I selected the wrong number.

  2. Sometimes I'm ok with being rude. If I didn't feel comfortable talking to him, I wouldn't.

  3. i dont know. depends on how horrible the breakup went.  

  4. Tell him/her!!

  5. I never had that problem because I always send an ex off with my curse of death and they've obliged me.

  6. NO! I delete their numbers so I don't call them by accident, or when I'm drunk!.. lol

  7. I can't even imagine that situation.  Let me try right now...

    I don't think I even have an exes phone number anywhere around.  There definitely aren't any in my cell phone's registry.

    I haven't memorized any ex' phone numbers.

    It's been a few years since I've been with someone else and she lives in a different country and we cut it off fairly clean.

    There's one "ex" who is sort of like a friend but she too lives in a different country.  If for some totally insane reason I accidentally phoned her (LOL), then I'd just talk.  Maybe.  Maybe I'd just hang up.

    Anyone else I'd probably just hang up, but, yeah, it's not going to happen unless there's some major change in my life, I become some sort of player, and have all these girls' numbers in my phone.

    Anyway, talking to not be rude wouldn't be the case.  It might be construed rude to talk.

  8. i dont know how you can accidently call someone. its almost impossible to do today.

    first off though, its an ex, you should have lost his/her number when you broke up.

    i have a strict no ex policy. its worked out for me great!

  9. That's a heck of a situation you have there. The same thing happened to me about a week ago but I played the call off like I was just checking up on her. She appreciated  the call and it didn't hurt either one of us. Yeah, I think you should just ask how they are doing and if they have anything to talk about. When relationships are built trust is set between two people.  This person probably trusts you enough to share some thoughts and that will lead to the end of the phone call. With trust comes comfort.


  10. hang up before he knows it was you

  11. i don't believed you ! u call him on purpose , of course but i'll explain that it was a mistake  

  12. No. I'd hang up upon hearing his voice and pretend that I didn't call. "Oh, my cell phone was stuck in my purse."

  13. talk in a diffrent voise and say wrong # sorry

  14. Assuming you NEVER wanted to talk to the ex again, say "mistaken dial" and hang up.

    Otherwise, say hello, how are you, tell them call wait is buzzing, doorbell rings, etc. and hang up.

  15. just tell them you were trying to delete their name out of your phone and accidentally called them.  unless you want to talk to them, in which case just talk to them.

  16. It happened.

    I meant to dial something else and, oops...

    I blamed it on the function auto-dial when she started up with the WtF?

    I didn't have "to keep talking" since she blew a gasket from the go and kept railing till she hung up.

    It was an embarrassing trip.

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