
If you add a mobster who used mymobster to add you, will you get spammed?

by  |  earlier

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i know you will prolly get spammed if you yourself uses mymobster (cuz i hear it stealls all your info) but what if you accept someone into your mob who used it. has anyone had any consequences from adding a mob member who wasn't on their friends list?




  1. add me

  2. The guy that created it named Jason got threatened by MySpace so he had to shut it down about twenty minutes ago. The program is dead.  :(

  3. Personally I immediately delete anyone that adds themself to my mob without an invite.  I also record their info and send the complaint onto the help desk.

  4. anyone can add me free

  5. I just started using this program yesterday and today I received this message:

    WARNING! We have detected that you are playing with an automated program!

    Your actions are ruining the experience for other players!

    If you are caught again, your characters will be removed, and your account will be BANNED!

    It probably was a great program before Mobsters banned it. If I had known I wouldn't have downloaded and paid for it!

  6. Really? Was it really deleted? I just signed on, and it seems ok.

  7. no, and actually people that use MyMobster dont get spammed at all. I downloaded & used the program and went from a mob of 50 to a mob of 479 in less than one day. none of my friends have reported any spam to me and i havent seen any evidence of hacking. so, being that people who use the program dont get spammed, you wont get spammed for adding a user of that program.

    and actually, its a good program, you should try it!

  8. No, your information is not at risk if you, yourself are not using the MyMobster app. The way it works is by making the Mobsters application think that everyone and anyone is part of your friend list, and you are allowed to add anyone as a result. Think of it as you receiving cash through PayPal (if you know how that works) PayPal credits your account without knowing your financial information, even though they know the other party's info including account number, routing number, etc...  In other words, you are just a third person within the process, and MyMobster cannot steal your info just because you added a member not on your list. =]

  9. oh no!  it's now banned!!

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