
If you agree that Gandhi is overrated...?

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  1. I don't know that Gandhi is overrated, but he's sort of the go-to guy for people who want to seem deep, but are not (because they invoke his image, but don't really get his deeper points).  For example, at my old job, we used to train new employees.  The first thing we did with them was a "get to know you" activity where they had to form small groups and answer a series of questions.  One of the questions was always "Which historical figure would you want to have dinner with and why?"  People came up with a variety of answers, but there was always someone who said Gandhi.  Nine times out of ten, the person who said Gandhi was the most annoying person in the entire group.  It got to the point where, if anyone said Gandhi, we would laugh hysterically.  It's as if people either quote him or cite him as a role model just for the points it offers them, and that is why everytime I hear somebody talk about Gandhi, I laugh a little.  Not because Gandhi is overrated, but because the people who seek to ally themselves with him are overrated a lot of the time.

    It's kind of like Che Guevara:  an interesting historical figure, but it's really lame that his image has become little more than a fashion statement to some people.

  2. Was he not living human kind like you and me too back in the past?

    Being human intelligent.

    Why must one idol worshiping the dead Mummy with rotten stench of empty skeleton of skull and bones with two empty eye sockets who was dead and buried was long gone with time.

    When one is the living and not the dead yet?

    If he was so successful  than God.

    How come those idol worshiping him is moving backwards in time in following him back to the graveyards too instead of advancing in time?

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

  3. If anything ,  these days he's underrated.

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