
If you already have citizenship in america, how do you apply for citizenship in ireland?

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If you already have citizenship in america, how do you apply for citizenship in ireland?




  1. It depends.

    If either of your parents where born in Ireland and are citizens then you are automatically a citizen.

    If any of your grandparents where born in Ireland and are citizens then you can claim citizenship by descent. This has to be done though your nearest Irish embassy.

    You cannot claim citizenship through great grandparents.

    If neither your parents or grandparents where born in Ireland then you can apply for citizenship by naturalisation.You have to have 5 years legal residency first.


  2. To get an answer you have to provide more detail.

    If you have a parent and such who is was a citizen it is no big deal to get it.

    If you have none then that is a whole different ball of wax. Then you factor in age, education level and all of that in regard to what kind of visa you need.  

  3. If one of your parents, grandparents or even great grand parents was born in Ireland you might have claim to citizenship there.  Otherwise you would have to immigrate there and live there for a few years before you can apply.

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