
If you an orchid plant has a dead stem but is still making new leaves are you supposed to prune the stem off?

by Guest67119  |  earlier

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  1. My orchid has been in perfect flowering condition for 5 years & I have never pruned it. I have only watered it from the bottom. Occasionally I have fed it. There are some stems which I have left on. Hope this helps. Good luck. h

  2. if it is making new leaves it is not dead..  let it grow out for a few weeks and then cut back any thing that is not showing signs of life (growing leaves)

  3. Depends on the orchid. Some orchids store water and nutrients in older canes or bulbs that may look "dead" because they're leafless. Don't prune these off because they are still providing energy for the plant.

    Other orchids, like the common moth orchid (Phalaenopsis), don't store energy in this way. It is common for this type of orchid to send up new plantlets around the base of the main stem if it is injured in some way. Once the remains of the dead stem shrivel up and turn brown you can prune it off...or just remove the baby plants and pot them up separately.

    If you can identify your orchid you may be able to look it up online to see what kind it is and how best to deal with it. If I were you I would hold off on pruning it for now...orchids are so slow growing you could really set it back if you were to cut off a part of it that the plant is still using.

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