
If you and another person were stranded on an island, with no food, would you eat them?

by Guest62248  |  earlier

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...u r really hungry.




  1. If I had salt...JK! No I would never eat them!

  2. Only if they died of natural causes (hopefully not choking on my carcass) first. LOL!

  3. h**l no, make love (if they were a chick) to keep my mind off my tumy. =]

    if they were a dude i would team up and catch some fish. or eat vegieess !

  4. chyeaahh!

  5. well the only thing i would do is to make sure he won't eat me

  6. no. i would eat leaves and bugs before a person

  7. Ummm - humans taste like chicken.

  8. I love that this question is in the "dining out" section, lol.

    And yeah, I'd eat them if they were already dead. I'd have to be pretty darn hungry to kill someone and eat them.

  9. if they were a hot, but I would make love to them.

    if it was another guy, then I would help him by catching fish and building fires and stuff.

  10. Of course not. Islands have water, seas creatures, trees and grass. Why would I need to eat a human being. Besides the other person would be fun for "other activities."

  11. never

    i can catch fish...

  12. course not, but i would end up killing them if it was someone i hate... i'd rather die alone than live the rest of my life with someone who i hate.

  13. i'm a vegetarian of 8 years. no i would not eat another person no matter how hungry i got. i would eat the islands nautral resources likes the fruits and vegetables. if there were none i would eat tree leaves and leaves.

  14. Not if they ate me first !

  15. That's Pathetic....

  16. First you'd either have to outlast them or figure a way to kill them..

  17. well if i was stranded on an island with no food, obviously there is water around...u can eat fish..sea weed...i would not eat another person ever. i would rather starve to death..

  18. I really dont think i could bring myself to do that! no matter how hungry i was

  19. well it depends

    cuz after i eat that person would i get off the island?

    if i have no chance of ever leaving the island i wouldnt because then i would be lonely and have nobody

    i guess if the person was trying to eat me, than that is a different story...

  20. No i would eat raw fish!!!!! At least those are fresh lol!!!!

  21. sure i would.

  22. I suggest you only eat them if you know that you'll be rescued soon. If you don't know when you'll be rescued, then wait to eat them. You'll get lonely without them, but if it's close to being saved, eat them. satisfy your hunger.

  23. mggghhh let me know because im not a crazy cannibal

  24. i'd have to wait a long time. then it would be who-gets-to-who-first

  25. It depends on how hot they        are

  26. What was their Gender?

  27. If I was on an island I am sure there is water as it is an island.  I would attempt to fish for crustacions or fish first.  Oh and if she is a she and hot then probably not.

  28. wed have a baby, and id eat the baby

  29. no that would be nasty. and i would hate myself if i murdered someone like that. i mean cuz were all gunna die eventually, so why should i mess up my life and karma (im hindu) when im still going to die later? sorry its so long i guess it was supposed to be pretty straightforward. sorry!

  30. Just to tel you there might be food out there.On  a island there is at least fruit or berries. So Ha!

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