
If you answer this it'll be greatlyyy appreciated!?

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My chart:

Sun - Scorpio

Moon - Capricorn

Rising Sign - Libra

Venus - Scorpio

Mars - Leo

Jupiter - Scorpio

Saturn - Pisces

Uranus - Capricorn

Neptune - Capricorn

Pluto - Scorpio

True Node - Scorpio

Chiron - Virgo.

Can you tell me about this sign? Is it compatible with this one:

Sun - Aquarius

Moon - Gemini

Rising - Aquarius

Venus - Capricorn

Mars - Leo

Jupiter - Sagittarius

Saturn - Pisces

Uranus - Capricorn

Neptune - Capricorn

Pluto - Sagittarius

True Node - Scorpio

Chiron - Virgo

ARE THEY COMPATIBLE; These two signs from just a glance, what do you think?




  1. Ok to save all the confusment, go to this website it is an official horoscope one not the c**p love calculator ones.

    it explians it all so yeh!

  2. So, the only thing that may work is your rising and his rising, your venus and his venus, then it's the mars. But besides that, it's the worst.

    Your moon in Capricorn makes you cool and quiet. But his Gemini moon makes him REALLY talkative and REALLY open. That may annoy you since Capricorns are quiet. And they like quiet. But the Gemini moon may just destroy your quiet place.

    The sun, is one of the worst matches in the zodiac. :[ Scorpio and Aquarius may get attracted to eachother in the beginning, but then for awhile Scorpio may find Aquarius too detached and independant. And Aquarius may find Scorpio clingy and too sensitive. Water and Air signs are known not to mix well. Trust me, I'm Aquarius and I've had really bad experiences with water signs...

    Your rising and his rising is one of the best matches. Aquarius and Libra. Air and air, they have the same interests and the same sense of humor. Libra understands Aquarian's need of freedom and Libra is sociable. Which the Aquarius can understand too because they are pretty much of a social butterfly themselves. Libras is affectionate toward's the unemotional Aquarius. And that may open up the Aquarian's heart. :]

    The Venus, Capricorn and Scorpio....This is a good match too. Capricorns are cold and keep their feelings inside.While Scorpios love with all their hearts and they don't really show it either. So Capricorns aren't as shy, because the Scorpio may not be so warm either. Capricorn and Scorpio both love with their hearts and are loyal to their lovers. I have my venus in Capricorn and I would never, ever break up with my lover, unless he breaks up with me, or when I lose respect for him. :]

    Your mars and his mars....Leo&Leo. It's good too. (I have my mars in leo too!) You both know how to respect eachother and how to make eachother happy. Leos are always proud of themselves and like flattery. They flatter other people also to get their work well. So, the mars is really great. Both Leos are respectful to eachother and both are understanding of eachother.

    The rest of the birthchart doesn't matter as much as the rising, sun, moon, venus and mars. So I'll skip. ;] This match may not be the best, but you can try it out, who knows?

    Good Luck From an Aquarius.


  3. Not good together. Run!

  4. This is a bad match astrologically.there will not be any compatibility.

    aquarius is too detached and intellectual while Scorpio is very intense. Scorpio is emotional also and Aquarius may not be able to understand that. Aquarius has a very live and let live attitude while Scorpio is intense in what he believes and sometimes tries to force his opinions on others. air and water signs are not very compatible.

    still if you are in a relationship i would advise you to ignore astrology and give it a chance.

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