
If you answered my previous question please answer!?

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my previous question was "i need help with...well im not sure what to classify it as but pleases help!!!

how do i create a 3d hologram. like a super computer in a holographic body?




  1. Josh,

    If you google hologram, you will see that they are made by scanning objects with lasers, and using lots of sophisticated signal processing software to make the hologram. Such software takes a whole crew of really good programmers working for years to accomplish. Then, there is the issue of how to project the hologram. This would be an expensive piece of equipment, if any reliable ones even exist.

    You should google for computer science projects that are not so difficult. Check Y!A for science projects to get some good websites.

    Maybe there's some websites that let you make peeps like on the Sims that you could use...

  2. Don't know if any of the sites on these pages will help.

  3. Those don't exist.  You need to figure it out on your own.

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