
If you are American and can speak Korean fluently can you tell me the steps you took to be able to speak korea

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I watch this Korean show on youtube where people from all over speak Korean so fluently. If you can speak Korean fluently but are not Korean can you tell me how you got to that point. Did you just memorize phrases, memorize vocab lists..was there a specific book that really helped, etc. Where I live there aren't many "korean language schools" that can teach Korean to English speaking people. The library shelves have every other language but Korean to assist and I have searched every website imaginable..I want to speak but can someone get me on a path that will steer me in the right direction? Please, don't email sarcastic remarks, this may seem dumb to you but I want to learn this language and want someone to give me good suggestions! Any advice will be greatly appreciated!




  1. uhm... i'm Korean but I only started from age 6

    I highly suggest you come to live in Korea for about 3 years if u want to become really fluent as that is really the only way that most people get so fluent with the CORRECT Koreanish accent

    -most people can only do a faked accent which to a Native Korean is IMPOSSIBLE to understand

    or because u probably can't just live in korea...

    1.) enlist in an academy, preferably where the teachers are Korean and do NOT speak English, this is the best way to learn.. confusing at first but you have to be forced to keep using Korean

    2.) Try practicing Korean with people who already speak korean or KOrean people

    3.) memorize all 26 characters and be able to tell the difference in pronounciation (use flashcards)

    4.) Buy like 30 korean children's picture books and start with those... that's how i learned..

    5.) make a notebook and write words down

    6.) before moving on to any new words, make sure you can tell the difference between all the different words and

    7.) get like a word u have trouble remembering and as you do like daily stuff, keep picturing the word in ur head and keep mouthing the pronounciation  (how i learned chinese)

    8.) remember each words by writing them down numerous times

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