
If you are German you sould know are the Bavarian people really part of the German people?

by Guest65150  |  earlier

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If you are German you sould know are the Bavarian people really part of the German people?




  1. Like Texas is part of the USA, Bavaria is part of Germany.

    Though both states like to think of themselves as independent from the rest of their respective countries. *snark*

  2. I have to admit there are some very good answers already. Or some I think are correct. We Bavarians are Germans or a part of Germany, even though we are a special breed and like it that way. The only thing not mentioned is the fact that within Bavaria there are several (7) regions and that there is in fact a dispute between people from the very south and the others, who are called Franconians.

    Lots of Bavarians do not consider Franconians as their own, even though it is all the same state and without us Franconians, Bavaria wouldn't be what it is now. Historical fact. But I do believe that is going a little too deep now :)

  3. It's called "Freistaat Bayern".  Which means "freestate Bavaria".  Yes, we are part of Germany, but consider ourselves better than those northerners.

  4. No.  The state may be part of Germany, but the Bavarians are not, and we will never be.  Bavaria is not the only "Freistaat" and it has not bearing on your question.  The Bavarians are more closely related to the Austrians, and a slight change in the outcome of WW2 could have attached Bavaria to the people they are more closely related to.  Prost Bavaria!!!

  5. Yes they are. I'm only half German, but I know that much.

    The Bavarians are not the only ones with a weird dialect, and most Southerners don/t really like the "Northern Lights" as a famous Bavarian once called the Northerners who give all Germans a bad name by their lack of a sense of humour and their stubborn insistence that everybody should keep to all the rules and regulations at all times.

    Sorry, all Northern Germans, I do know some of you can laugh at real jokes, or even make them yourselves.

  6. yes  they  are

  7. So what's the question?

  8. yes.

  9. Formally: yes, we belong to germany.

    But as a bavarian (for more than 300 years, all my ancestors came from bavaria, with only one exception: someone had been from austria. of course the black sheep in our family *lol*) I have to tell you: we do not feel like we belong to germany.

    I also have to admit I can´t stand austrian people (and in this area, quite near to the border, I am not the only one).

    But I do like the idea of a united europe and I can identify myself with the EU, no problem.

  10. Not if you ask some Bavarian. I, for one, wouldn't care less if Bavaria declares its independence from the rest of us. I am considered a Prussian and the dispute between the two has been going on for hundreds of years.

    But Bavaria is a part of Germany, just to answer your question.

  11. Yes, Bavarians are different -just because they are the northerners also call them jokingly "wild tribal mountain folks"....just kidding!

  12. yes,Bavarians are German

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