
If you are a Republican who values faith, you are the "Religious Right" . Are there "Religious Lefts"?

by Guest32952  |  earlier

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I see the double standard coming up a lot where if you practice your faith and you are conservative in beliefs (moderate or not), you're most assuredly, a zealot. Liberals, however, are "spiritual". Why?




  1. Actually, there are alot of religious liberals.  Obama is a Christian and a liberal.  There are many Christian liberals from many different denominations of Christian.    Right wing Christians are known to be zealots, just look at Falwell, Robertson and Dobson and the other evangelicals.  They are huge examples of religious zealots who want legislation passed to control everyone else's lives even if they aren't christian.  They certainly don't represent my Christian beliefs whatsoever.

  2. Obama is a Christian who thinks aborting babies is acceptable.

  3. People on the left who are religious don't mix their religion in their politics or politics in their religion.

  4. Yes they're called normal Americans.

  5. I would guess most people who believe in a god are decent people. Then there are those who are radical, and those who lean towards being activists.

    My x-wife was a thoughtful tolerant Catholic who didn't have a problem with my being agnostic/atheist & fan of Science.

    It seems to me the more strict and radical religious people have problems which they mask with their religious views and righteous attitudes.  Not unlike a conspiracy nut who is so insecure they have the need to feel special about something.   They are out of touch with reality in one way or another.

    As far as "Liberals" go, I'm not sure what the definition of a 'liberal' really is. There may be an influence from Eastern religions. They seem more sincere in a way. A Liberal would rather be your friend than be defensive like a Conservative. If i tripped and fell I would expect a Liberal to lend a hand sooner than a Conservative.

  6. Probably more religious people on the left than on the right, but without the full-volume stupidity that the right has used which has given religion a bad image.

  7. This is NOT just MY OPINION...If you are a TRULY A BIBLE Following Christian...You would be OBEYING what the Bible ITSELF Says..."MY KINGDOM IS NO PART OF THIS WORLD" Is that a part of the Bible you have Chosen to Ignore? C'mon now...Be Honest With Yourselves...To all of you Fundamentalists who seem to Judge so Vehemently....Here's ANOTHER for you..."Let He who is WITHOUT Sin cast the First Stone"...Wait..Another.."Judge NOT Lest Ye be Judged"..Which part aren't you all getting..In other words Everyone STOP being Holier-Than Thou...You Are NOT!

  8. If there was such a label as the religious left, it would be based on individualism, and the right to believe what they want to believe, and how to treat their own body, and the right to choose.

    The religious right believes in individualism, as long as the person adheres to fundamentalism.   Which pretty much means, a one size fits all box.

    That is the biggest problem with the religious right.  Put ten of them in a room and they can all agree that abortion should be against the law, but what they can't agree on is where that law starts and where it ends.  Nor can you get them to agree on where personal responsibility starts and ends, or even what to do with all the unwanted children.  

    So full of contradictions as to make my head spin. And that is only one aspect.  What about putting religion in our public schools?  What they fail to understand is that will open the flood gates of every religion demanding equal access and they would get it.  Just think, Johnny coming home and pointing east to Mecca on a prayer rug, or talking about how wonderful the devil is from his indoctrination by devil worshipers.

    The religious left respects the individual and their choice in life.  That is as simple as it gets


    Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated


    551 - 479 BC





  9. Well, there's a big difference in being "spiritual" and being a true follower of Christ.  If someone wants to label me as being the "religious right", that's okay with me, I'm proud of it.

  10. Art Gurl above me obviously doesn't know scripture, and that there is a false gospel

    Galatians 1:1

    6I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ

    Obama is just the first Dem to try and portray his 'fake' new age Jesus as real Christianity; what makes him a fake is 1John Ch:4....I wish he would confess a literal Jesus and become born-again tho as I would then accept him as a born-again christian brother.

    N your wrong Brown Obamanites rush into the religious section all the time and delete my posts questioning Obama's religious beliefs ONLY all the time (at 3 now).....even tho I say I dont want to discuss politics, only want to see Obama truly saved.

    Heis below I am a libertarian....not a pure conservative, I am only conservative in my theology and am apologetics for historical scriptural Christianity which you Obamanotes wish to pervert!

    Heart the qusetion I asked you back that is there a false gospel as Paul says?....and is Obama hijacking christianity (teaching a false gospel) as Dr Dobson has said too, when he teaches faith, hope, and change in the form of his New Age Jesus.

  11. I second "Plz no add..."

  12. You're right, there is a double standard.  People who are "religious" are also labeled as judgmental, closed minded and bigoted.  People who are "spiritual" are also labeled as accepting, open minded, and nonjudgmental.  I take issue with this because the people who call believers in Jesus Christ idiots are the same people who think crystals can heal cancer and rearranging your furniture will help you get pregnant.  I'll take Jesus Christ, a firm belief in right and wrong and any insult the left wants to throw at me, thank you.

  13. No. The Religious Right are the hardcore ultra conservatives, not simply a conservative who is faithful.

  14. I don't think that's necessarily true. You are ignoring conservative Democrats as though they don't exist. They do.  The religious left tends to focus less on dogma and more on philosophy. They also often are not trying to legislate their religious beliefs. I said often not always.  

    In my opinion, the charity, forgiveness and respect for others' beliefs the characterized Christ's teachings are lost concepts to the people who call themselves Christian conservatives (political affiliation irrelevant).

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