
If you are a US citizen are you planning on leaving Iran?

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The last time they went to war with us as it were they held US hosteges for years.

Good luck.




  1. I plan on never going there in the first place.

    unless I join the military.

  2. It is safe to go to Iran as an American. Iranians won't beat up an American on the street if they see one. Its  a perfectly safe place to go, and Americans go there all the time. Don't beleive Geroge Bush (and Co.) and Jewish propoganda that you hear on the news about Iran, becasue about 90% of it is false, and fabricated just to make a case for war on Iran.

  3. Anyone who lives in Iran by choice needs some help

  4. Any live US citizens remain in Iran? not including those holding an Iranian passport?

  5. well i'm not in iran, and i have never been there, but i pray that the ones that are there, are smart enough to pack it up and bring themselves home. it is a dangerous place to be if your an american, it's dangerous to live there even if thats your homeland, but as much as they hate americans, espically christian americans, they are better off staying as far away from that country as possible.

  6. I won't leave, "not without my daughter".

  7. In all honesty, I don't see what you guys are paranoid about.  I have never been to Iran, but I know people of Iranian descent who have family back home, and I have heard that Americans are treated quite well over there compared to the way Iranians are treated in the US.  Many US oil companies regularly send their high-level employees to Iran for business.

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