
If you are a citizen of the united states are you still consider a citizen of bangladesh if came from there?

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  1. It's your choice.  The United States and Bangladesh both allow dual citizensip.  If you want to keep your Bangladeshi citizenship after naturalizing, you will need to contact the embassy and apply for a dual citizenship certificate.  You will also want to send you passport for a "No Visa Required" stamp.  The latter will allow you to use your US passport to visit Bangladesh without a visa (US Citizen's must get visas before entering).

    I have shown the URL to the Bangladeshi embassy so you can call them up at your convenience.

  2. The US has no laws against dual citizenship.  On the other hand, Bangladesh does not recognize dual citizenship, and a person voluntarily acquiring a foreign citizenship automatically and involuntarily loses his Bangladeshi citizenship.  So no, you can't be both.

  3. It depends on whether Bangladesh allows its native born citizens to have dual citizenship. Some countries state in their laws that if a person is born of a mother and a father who are from "x" country, the person will always have that country's citizenship, regardless of where that person was born.

    I would suggest that you check the laws and policies of Bangladesh regarding citizenship status.

  4. Those native born Americans (born and raised here) will not consider you American.

    Your kids will be ostracized even if they are born in America.

    It may take your 3rd generation or even more before they are socially accepted.

    Many Americans forget that they are also immigrants or are products of immigrants. This land was not theirs.

    Their forefathers helped mold and shape America but they now reject immigrants.

    It's so ironic and sad.

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