
If you are a democrat/if you WERE a democrat...HILLARY OR OBAMA???

by  |  earlier

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This is not about telling me you are republican, people. I want to know BETWEEN OBAMA AND HILLARY, who you'd chose...




  1. I voted for Obama.  Hillary I feel is a bit slimey and scary.

  2. I am a Republican through and through but if I put my self in a Democrat's shoes, I would have to say I would vote for Obama, though I don't agree with his or Hillary's points of view. Hillary scares me. By the way, did you know if Hillary wins, Bill Clinton becomes First Lady? No offense, but personally? I find this quite Hill-arious! He he...yeah, probably Obama. I know that I am going to voting for a Republican but I can't decide which one...

  3. Hillary Clinton all the way. She can actually MAKE the change happen and has the balls to do it. I respect her and have not just "hope" but actual CONFIDENCE in her. And with Bill Clinton, what a dynamic TEAM. She is super smart, and knows what the country needs. She will make health care a possibility for ALL Americans. A healthy country is a strong country. A strong country is a SAFE country.

  4. Hillary, I feel more secure with her experience, intelligence and abilities at knowlege of domestic affairs and foreign policies.

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