
If you are a farmer, what is your worst "near miss"?

by  |  earlier

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Mine was working potato harvest in my early 20's. We started very early in the morning, not even really light out yet. It was very cold at that hour, so we always had layers of clothes on.

As the day wore on, it got hot, so we shed clothing. I took off my flannel shirt and tied it about my waist. I was working on the potato harvester.

At that time it was drug behind a tractor. The potatoes and clods of dirt came up the convayor belt. We would huck the rotten potatoes, and clods of dirt out, along with any rocks.

I was only about 5 feet tall at the time (I grew until I was 24), so I had to lean way over the machine to reach the clods. Right in front of my waist was a chain that helped drive the machinery.

Of course the chain finally caught my flannel shirt, jerked it tight, and sucked me against the machine. The chain kept eating my shirt, which in turn was trying to cut me in half.




  1. we always seem to have near misses involving the animals, not us. like for instance the time a calf escaped and ran onto the crust of our 15ft deep manure pit, it lay down, but a sudden movement would mean the dry crust layer of the pit gave way, my dad had to lasso the calf and drag it to safety, ofcourse as soon as my dad lassood it it ran off, causing the crust to break , meaning we had a matter of seconds to drag the calf to safety. luckily the calf survived.

    my mums been chased by a mad cow once before, and then we had to chase a raging bull round a feild for abit, and ive also been sqaushed against walls by cows a couple of times. but no damage was caused, so thats about it really.

  2. I was pulling levees in a field an hit a stump that threw me off of the tractor lucky I cleared to disc and was able to get back to tractor before it tore up anything

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