
If you are a judge,or if you were ever a judge what do you think?

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if you were the judge in court,or if you are a judge,What would you want to hear in a victim impact statement from the victim that was sexually assaulted.???Please,I dont know what the judge wants to hear,and I am scared to make him mad,so I need wise advice,so I dont waste his time...Any ideas plz????




  1. If I understood correctly your question, and you are the victim, I see it very simple, the judge just wants to hear the real thing, because sexual assault is very delicate here in US, and of course an incidente of that nature is noticeble in any person that I dont think there is a key word or argument that can convince a judge more than the truth. Something important is to act as soon as posible, you know, with inmediate police reports and very valuble I belive, counsoling clases (it worked for me).  

  2. A judge is supposed to be impartial and assume innocence, so first guilt would have to be proven. If this has already occurred, then tell the judge exactly what happened, without embellishments. Don't be afraid, just speak honestly.  

  3. Jessica,

    A victim impact statement, at least in California, is usually used in a criminal court case.  First of all, what I suggest is that you not worry about upsetting the judge or wasting his or her time -- it's their job to read such statements, to be fair and to be considerate of victims.  Second, I think you should try to contact the District Attorney (DA) who is handling the case and ask the DA your question.  In all likelihood, the DA will have more insight than anyone on Yahoo Answers.  

    I hope all goes well.

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