
If you are a manager of a bank what are the advices that you would you like to give to your staff? Explin why?

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If you are a manager of a bank what are the advices that you would you like to give to your staff? Explin why?




  1. Here is the advise I would give:

    Proper and effective communication is of paramount importance in the business world.

    The appropriate use of grammar, proper spelling and the correct use of words to communicate a thought or idea are the most important aspects in communications.

    Enough Said?

  2. I agree with ''Hopalong'' for the most part - with a little expansion on this thought< touched on this in another answer>

    I let them know right away that we are a team. I explain to them my position,our team /company goal, and what I expect from them, and how I will help and support them achieve that goal.

    I will also ask them where they see themselves in the company to get a better understanding of where they are in their mindset and what motivates them(?)

    < self motivation- from within ?- or -exterior motivation - prizes - perks- etc?.>

    With that in mind.....

    We don't always get to pick all of our people/staff

    Therefore our job as a Leader/Manager is to

    ''Take Mediocre People and Make them Great!''

    How do we do this?


    Some of the biggest problems <and ill feelings> that can happen within companies are due to lack of clear communication and clear expectations / direction.

    - It's important to let each and every team/staff member understand their position, their job responsibilities, what you expect of them.

    Explaine and diminstrate how immediate rewards &immediate consequences work.

    Make a point to explaine how important they are to you and the success of the team/ Dept/Company

    < Be sincere in this statement and belief >

    Once you've made the communication and expectations  clear...

    You need to ''Inspect what you Expect"

    Checks & Balances - again thru - meetings/touch base sessions/progress reports - communication.

    Immediate Rewards for a good job

    Immediate consequences for bad

    Everyone should be working towards the same common goal and deadlines. (all goals should have a beginning and end)

    That can happen only with a well thought out PLAN that HAS BEEN COMMUNICATED well.

    This can eliminate most Surprises

    This used to be one of my battle cries to my staff

    <with humor, but they knew I was serious>, 'NO SURPRISES!'',

    -Not all surprises are bad.  But in business, things that catch you off guard are generally - not good.

    Do not tolerate non-performing employees.

    If after all your efforts in communication and proper tools for them, they fail to ''step up to the plate'', you need to do the ''right thing ''and eliminate them from the team.<, they will only pull you and the rest down.>

    Hopefully thru your Positive Leadership and communication you will let your good staff members understand how valueable they are to you, when they do the right thing.  And they will always strive to do the right thing, even when you are not around.

    Like a chain - ''You and your company are only as strong as your weakest link''.

    Sorry this is so long again...Good Luck

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