
If you are a mangaer?

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If you are leading a team and one of the members do not like you as a manager,how would go about working with this person? explian




  1. Unfortunately being a manager or team leader often means you are not liked because you will make decisions that some people will not like.  In this sort of situation you both need to be professional and put your personal feelings aside.  I would not worry about the other person and as long as you show confidence in yourself and them all will probably work out.

  2. mangaing a team is not about being liked , although that is a nice bonus. Work is not a popularity contest and as manger you have to make decisions that may not be popular.

    it is about professional behavior, courtesy and respect, and the role of each team member in doing his/her part to achieve organizational objectives. As long as they do their job, so what if they don't like you. If they do not perform or are a hindrance/negative impact on the team they should be dealt with appropriately-discussion, wanings, terminination. It should be dealt with through their performance, not any personal feelings.

  3. If you know clearly he/she dont like you, you should have a chat with him, just a light hearted one, no office stuff dicussion just try to ask him in a polite manner that what is the thing bothering him/her. Clear any implications or doubts in that member mind and let him/her know that he/she is a very important part of the team. Give encouragement and some confidence. That will do the trick.

  4. Take them to one side and see what their issues are.  Some may even be valid reasons.  If so, then agree to work on them and come up with solutions.  If they are childish reasons or they say there is nothing wrong then you can discuss their attitude and conduct is not good for the team nor for themselves.  

    If its as simple as they think they should be manager instead of you, well they have to be an adult about it.  Its not going to change and that you need their support and effort for the TEAM to be successful.

    As a manager remember that you are responsible for the team/department.  Those employees are only responsible, at the end of the day, to themselves so they have their own agenda.  Thats just how it is.


    ''Being a manager doesn't always win you popularity contests.''

    I have been in your situation a few times in 35 years of Corp America and have survived some of the same things.

    I find the best way to address this issue, is ''head on''. Focus on the team and  the goals, do not allow anyone to undermine your authority. A person can only steal your power if you give it to them, do not play into them.

    I couldn't have accomplished or had the success I had without my wonderful staff.

    They would move (and on occasion have) heaven and earth for me, if it needed to be done.

    So please do not think I am being degrading when I say, ''employees, are a lot like children'', if they sense weakness, indecision, lack of clear direction/communication, strife ..they do not function as well as they are capable. < If there is desention within the group, even unspoken, it leaves everyone feeling uneasy, unsure and pulls the focus from the productivity.>  ''Do not let it ''fester''

    Communication is key - It's important to let each and every team member understand their position, their job responsibilities, what you expect of them, immediate rewards, immediate consequences, and just how important they are to you and the success of the team/ Dept

    If there is a concern/problem, I immediately pull everyone together, (or just the offending parties), to put it on the table -in the open and hear them out. Most times the problem is just a miscommunication or misunderstanding of expectations, easily resolved thru communication.

    Other times, someone is just being plain mean-spirited - I listen to them(briefly) repeat back to them what I believe they said and what they meant, if they have validity, I attempt to identify with them.

    However, if I disagree with them, as their Manager I have to make a decision and let them know how their actions are affecting the team, and make it very clear, it will not be tolerated.< No ''Elephants in the Room'' that no one talks about.>   It's done - it's over - we ''move on''. If it continues, and cannot be resolved, unfortunately- some people have to ''move on''.

    Bottom line, you are responsible for ''The Bottom Line'', and have to make the tough decisions.

    You are a combination of  a Manager, Communicator,  Psychologist, Referee, Coach, Mom, Babysitter, Event Planner, mind reader, etc..

    By being a strong hard working supportive manager and cultivating a true team attitude within the group, you will earn  the respect of your team.  You cannot allow someone to chip away at your authority, it's bad for company/employee morale.

    You need to speak with this person, listen to their concerns/issues.  State your position on the situation, define the boundaries and expectations for this person. If they cannot comply, it's time for them to move on.  Trust me if you allow this problem to continue it will be detrimental to you and your team.

    Focus and take GOOD CARE of the Good Employees, GET RID of the Bad ones

    Amazing thin about a strong team, due to their loyalty to you , they will take care of you and lead by examples to the new ones.THEY will not allow  someone within the group to try and undermine you, r the company.

    Remember ''Tough but Fair"

    AND when it works it's very rewarding

  6. A lot of how you might handle the situation depends on how it's affecting the team getting its job done. If this person is badmouthing you to other team members and hurting the team's effectiveness, it's never too soon to nip that in the bud.

    I'd say that a private meeting with this person to do two things would be in order: 1) determining where the dislike comes from and dealing with it right away and 2) letting this person know that his hurting the team will not be allowed to continue.
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