
If you are a parent please answer the folllowing questions: ( Please State the Child's Age) Thank You?

by Guest60368  |  earlier

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1. How many violent video games does your child own?

2. Do you allow your child to buy the video games they want?

3. As a parent are you aware of all the negative psychological and health effects of playing violent video games?




  1. None.




    Youngest 20

    Eldest 35

  2. My kids are 6 (son) and 8 (daughter)

    1.  My kids don't own any, my husband has a few fighting games and a few military style games like US Navy Seals, I don't know the exact names of them.  He plays them with the kids sometimes.  

    2.  My husband buys them, I don't

    3.  I think the psychological and health effects comes from parents not talking to their kids, not the video games themselves.  The games contribute don't get me wrong but it takes more than just games.


    4.  Maybe an hour a week.  Probably less, after about 10 minutes of playing, they're done and they don't play them every night.

  3. 5 year old, doesn't like video games

  4. boy 10 yrs. old, boy 3yrs. old, and girl 1yrs. old

    1. A couple.

    2. Not every time, He is only allowed to by certain ratings. So therefore he usually only askes to buy games that are within that rating rules we have set for him.

    3. Yes, but I also believe that the time they spend playing these games should be limited and monitored And these negitive effects are from children play games too much, too often and without parental supervision. And the largest psychological and health influences in the childs life do not come from playing video games if they only play them at a limit, it comes from the parents and the home life and the family around him.

  5. 4 years old.

    i let him play tekken once (a fighting game) and have never let him since, as he started kicking us!  he just plays sonic now.  

    i dont let him buy whatever games he fancies, i only buy child-friendly stuff.

    i am aware of the effects of video games, but as long as the child plays in moderation i cant see the problem.

  6. 11




  7. poll troll

  8. 2 years old don't play video games.

  9. 1 son age 6

    1. the only fighting game i allow him to play is WWE other than that he plays with his leap pad


  10. .1 11 9 and 6

    2 yes

    3 yes i am.. I am a long time gamer (MMORPG;s for the last 10 years) and supervision is key to any child playing video games of any type. You cant complain about what kids do if you dont know what they play

    4 my kids play about an hour a day on average. Less for my youngest.

  11. We've never had an x-box, never bought video games and yes, we find them far too violent.

    Yes we are aware of the psychological effects these things have on kids.

    Theyre late teens and above now but we just never bought those things and they never bothered with them.

    Theyre not even keen on violent films either.

    We've been lucky really.

  12. I have an 11 year old and 9 year old twins - the answers are the same for all 3

    1. zero

    2. no

    3. yes

    My kids aren't into video games - they prefer to play outside.

  13. I'm technically the kid, but the info is the same.


    There are two that I would consider to be violent

    Yes as long as we are willing to spend our own money

    Easily avoided by open discussion and talking, especially at our age

    We don't play video games very often, we will spend a few hours playing one day, and then not play at all for a month

  14. 3yr old and 21 month old

    1. zero

    2. no

    3. yes

  15. 1.  zero!

    2.  No

    3.  yes, I would think it would be common sense but too many parents dont have that

  16. my son

    11 years old


    dad decides which are ok (sometimes yes/sometimes no)

    dont agree with all the "research"

    my daughter

    11 years old (yes twins)



    dont agree with all the "research"

  17. 4. No. No. Yes.

  18. 6 years old




  19. I have 3 children a daughter 8 a son 6 and a son 5 months.

    1. my children do not own any violent video games

    2. No my husband and I decide what they can and can't have. As they get older they will be able to voice their opinion but we will have the final decision.

    3. As a parent I do not know of any effects of video games. We have made the decision to not let our children play violent video games on the basis that they are young and we are trying to establish authority, respect, morals and responsibility. As they become older my husband and I will re-evaluate our stand point and their individual maturity and base our decision on that. If a youngster can understand the difference between reality and make believe  and right and wrong than we have done our job. Currently we do not own a Nintendo, PlayStation, xbox, wii none of that. We do own v smile pockets, leapster game console and about 100 different boards games, card games, puzzles etc. Happy healthy children is what we have now and that's what matters to us!!

  20. First off I lost my child 2 yrs ago. He was 14 but I can answer this question just the same.

    1.He had about 2 or 3.

    2.Yes he did

    3.Yes I do.  That is why when watching movies with him while growing up I would explain how dangerous this or that is. If it was good or bad and That it is all make believe. That is why you see someone die in a movie and be in a new one.

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