
If you are a person of African Black Ancestry and you are born in England are you considered an Englishman?

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I wonder because isn't English like a nationality. Like they evolved from the same ancient Tribes




  1. I don't think so. Maybe an African Englishman !

  2. Technically, you would be an Englishman because of the fact that you were born in England. As for the other comments...

    A person isn't Anything-American, unless they are first generation American. Therefore, if someone is born in Africa, they are African. Period. End of story. If their family is African but migrated to the United States and had children in America, their children would be African-American. This is regardless of color and goes for ALL races. You are Latin-American if one or both of your parents are from a Latin country but you were born in the States, etc.

  3. To anwser Jagers question: there was a white woman from africa at my school she is now an american citizen she identifes as african american... when the black girls at my school found this out they started to follow her around and tell her she had no right to call her self that... and said other various mean things about her too...

    By the way this was college not high school and it was in 2006...

    So no....

    which is said because she was born in africa and had way more right to call her self african american than some black kids whos great grand parent's grand parents were from africa.

  4. English is an ethnicity, a nationality, and a language.

    If your family has been in England for untold generations then ethnicity you're and Englishman.

    If you were born in England to African Blacks who have acquired English citizenship then your nationality is that of an Englishman.

    If your first language is English then you are an English speaker not an Englishman. Unlike Arabic which if Arabic is your first language you are an Arab.

  5. I was born here Dad came here when he was 5 in 1954 I can only speak read and understand English Ive never even left England born here me and my dad were raised schooled and work in London have a London accent. My culture must be English dont wear no African clothing or eat the food not listen to the music etc I dont call myself an English man just British, Black British but yeah basically an Englishman the only African thing about me is my skin body features, hair genes, skin tone and surname

  6. If I, being white, was born in Africa, can I call myself an African American?

  7. Sure, why not? Wouldn't anyone born in England be considered English?

    Jager, technically, I think you would be African-American if you were born in Africa, whatever your skin color.  The term is being mis-used, I think, because not everyone with dark skin comes from Africa, and not everyone from Africa has dark skin.  Egypt is in Africa--but nobody seems to call Americans of Egyptian descent African-American.

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