
If you are a poker pro please answer? Have you ever gone longer than 3 months where you have taken a bad beat.

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Every session!!!! Bad beat is described as at least 80 to 20 percent.




  1. Sometimes bad beats seem to have a run just like being lucky does.  I usually take a break when I'm on a bad run like that.

  2. Nobody will go three months without taking a bad beat and anybody playing regularly will be hard pressed to go a couple of days.  But that's part of poker.  In the long run, the odds will run in your favor if you're ahead at the river with 80/20 odds.  

    A bad beat to me is not so much about odds.  Rather, to me, a bad beat is when you have someone dominated and they make a very bad bet.  Something like having KK with a flop of KJ4 and the opponent has QJ and I get the guy all in.  He had no business getting involved with a middle pair and a runner runner draw in the first place.  If he had KJ, I couldn't fault him for getting involved.  I'd still be ticked that I lost the pot, but at least he played with cards.  It's when genuinely poor poker play gets rewarded that I feel I took a bad beat.

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