
If you are a seeker of the truth?

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Which News and Information broadcasting company, would you trust best?




  1. I would never 100% trust any of them. I think you should keep a skeptical view and watch all of them so you can see all sides of the story and then you can decide what you believe. If you really want an answer I guess PBS would be a choice. But they are funded by the federal govt. so I am even doubtful about what they have to say.

  2. i usually go with the wall street journal,though something more local to me i trust the Washington post.

  3. A real seeker of truth would never put all their eggs in one basket.

    There would not be one that is most trusted.  Just as I read more than one newspaper and news magazine, I watch 6 different news stations and read some on-line news sources.

  4. NoBoDy, if I am a seeker of the truth I'll go search for it myself. Most existing broadcasters really offer a cocktail of truth and lies, which have been blended so well you can't tell them apart.

  5. CNN and NY Times are horrible they always wrote BS about the Soldiers or took little pieces of news and made us look bad.

    FOX is ok.

  6. NDTV

  7. I don't trust any one. Read/watch them all and get all the info and points of view and then make your own conclusions

  8. Myself.Try reading Richard Bachmans "Dead Letter Office"for a little insight.Everyone knows something but untill you start collecting the facts do the puzzle pieces fall into place.

  9. NONE ...

  10. I feel all news agancies have their own agendas. Analyses are done with that perspective and generally a brain washing is done in the name of fair reporting. I do not trust any channel in particular. Best is to watch as many channels as you can and then form your own opinon.

  11. " the distance between true and false is

    only four inches".

  12. The first part of your question made me think, oh no what is this about?   I got kind of nervous.  But its ok.  So I guess like most say, its a combo of different media.  So many are biased so you have to make up your own mind which is closest to what you think is the truth.  Sad state of affairs isn't it.

  13. If you are a seeker of the truth you will not believe news and

    information, you only believe eye witness.

  14. Any news channel as long as the information and news being broadcast is credible in its facts along with the integrity of the company.For me,a seeker of the truth is  a very broad question that give emphasis in  several aspect such as Science,Technology,Invention,Politics,an... particularly one"s Faith which is Religion.

  15. NDTV news..............

  16. HAHAHA at Kims answer.  Look at it this way, the news is supposed to provide two key elements.  #1. The truth.  #2. Oversight.  The mainstream media today provides neither.  What you do get from the news is the extreme end of one side and the extreme side of another.  You don't get the truth.  Back in the day, there was people like Walter Cronkite.  When people like Mr. Cronkite reported, you knew it was the truth because he put his reputation on the line.  His whole thing was "trust me."  Those days no longer exist.  If a reporter is too far extreme aka a rogue reporter, then they don't get the coverage they need and their press passes are pulled.  Especially if they are being too hard on the president.  To answer your question, if you are more rightwinged go listen to Fox News.  If you are left winged, CNN is your best bet.  You won't get the truth in either, but what you will get is news from people who share the same morals and beliefs as you.

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