
If you are a small business owner... who do you vote for?

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Are there major differences in the taxing/economy issues between Mccain and Obama regarding taxing... specifically if you are a small business owner? What other issues would affect the small businesses?




  1. small business owners are suppose to vote for mccain  

  2. I've done a lot of research and have found that the taxes Obama intends to put on both small and large businesses will put me out of business.  Not to mention that my personal taxes will increase as well.  He is too inexperienced to understand the economy and with some of the wild ideas he proposed as a professor show that he doesn't know small business.  

    He has been the most left-wing liberal Senator in his first term and has no legislation to his credit.  His idea of business is to take from the rich and give to the poor.  Guess who he considers as rich?  How about ALL businesses, big and small.

    McCain has stated that he intends to protect small business owners and he's been around long enough to know that we are the backbone of this country.  I trust him more and he'll get my vote. I hope he gets yours too.

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