
If you are a student or if you were a student, can you mention how would you like to have a model class and y?

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I am Carlos, an English and French teacher here in Mexico, I have been studying English since I was 13 years old, then i studied a career to teach English and finally a speciality in Educative Technology.

In my career, i studied several learning and teaching theories. I am aware that the practice really makes perfect, but in the career of four years, I considered it was poor the practice.

Then, I have been teaching for 2 years but i am still an investigator of how to make teaching sucessful.

So, the question is, if you had a class that it was a real model, a perfect class, what would it contain and why?

I know it's a pretty difficult and too general question, but you can say an experience too.




  1. I am too a teacher I teach english to 10 th grade As u are aware that we are facing immense behaviorial problems in school. So to over come them not fully but a try,we must win the confidence of our class by being not negative to wards them Let them speak out their problems then help to put in the postive thinking into them. It may help also there are several other points.We had a seminar on this today itself the 26 july in our school.So we need more time for this to share

  2. Carlos -

    I think that a classroom that is based on mutual respect is the most productive classroom.  You have to know the students and something about each student that is personal to them.  They can know some of your personal interests and when you treat them respectfully they will in turn treat you with respect.  Be consistent with the students and do not allow them to argue with you or be disespectful.  Put the responsibility on the students for their own cannot force a student to learn that doesn't want to achieve and excel.

    Think of fun and interesting ways to teach.

    Best way to start is to look at oone or two things that you want to change.  Is it classroom management or time spent on task.  Is it creative writing or nonfiction writing.

    Do not hesitate to email if you want further help.


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