
If you are a teacher, do you mind trying to answer some of these questions I'm wondering about?

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Ok, if you are a teacher, would you mind answering these questions as honest as you can?

1) If a student corrects your mistake on the board, what do you think to yourself?

2) Do the kids you teach like you as a teacher?

3) What subject do you teach?

4) Is it an easy subject to teach?

5) Do you panic if a kid gets sick in class?

6) Add anything else that you like and dislike about being a teacher, thanks :P




  1. Teachers think the SAME things that you are thinking.

    -what's for dinner, that's a stupid outfit, God I'm ready for lunch, this kid is an IDIOT, I want to win the lottery tonight, do my teeth look white enough,gas is getting expensive, etc.

  2. 1. If a kid corrects me I think, "They are right I made an error." I tell the kid, "Good observation!"

    2. Most kids like me - not every kid though. I like most kids, but not every kid.

    3. I teach writing, lang. arts

    4. The subject is easy if you know your subject.

    5. If a kid gets sick call the custodian.

    5. I love being a teacher - LOVE IT. My worst day as a teacher is better than my best day in the corporate office cubicle.  

  3. 1) thank you!

    2) yes

    3) grade 4

    4) teaching is never easy!

    5) nope - happens to us all

    6) disrespect from students or parents & bad manners

  4. 1.  Honestly?  "God, I suck."  and I get embarrassed.  But hopefully my students don't know....  I am only human, and I think it's an important lesson for students to learn.

    2.  Some of them.... the ones who get me.

    3.  History

    4.  Hmmm.  Tough question.  It wasn't at first, when I was right out of college and had been trained to do a lot of really not great teaching.  But now, I really GET IT and enjoy it, so it's pretty easy.

    5.  Like throwing up?  Yes, I'd probably freak a little.  

    6.  I love seeing a lightbulb go on in a kid's eyes.  It's magical.  I really dislike the lack of respect teachers get.

  5. Are these serious questions???  this is funny- I have a lot of work to be grading but would rather do this!!!!  

    1.   I absolutely welcome correction from a student- it shows higher level thinking and their ability to be confidant.

    2.  yes, I'd like to think that they do...  they are 7..... so probably.

    3.  I teach second grade- all subjects

    4.  no, teaching is not easy in general....  it can be fun at times- but still a tough job most of the time.  So many pressures on us for it to be easy. :)

    5.  I don't panic at all- they know that they can just run out to the bathroom if they feel they are going to be sick.

    6.  I wish that the tax payers knew that they can give to schools and have it be a tax write-off...  they can designate their monies directly to a particular classroom or grade level if they wished. Some Public schools need the supplies...   Maybe a lot of tax payers do know that...    IDK...  :)  

  6. I have been a Physical Education Teacher at Parkdale HS in Greenbelt, MD for the last 11 years.

    1. Does not apply. I haven't asked a question in 7 years.

    2. No, not at all. I have had a few, but with the majority of them, if they don't threaten to hit me, stab me or kill me I feel like its a success. I would say one in five has threatened me in some way.

    3. PE, Honors Athletics aka the Class the Jocks take to get a free period, Study Hall.

    4. Absolutely. I haven't taught a single thing in 11 years. We have one rule in our school. Keep them busy. The harder students are pushed, the more likely they are to respond violently. I throw out the basketballs and retire to my office.

    5. If its drug related, which is common in Greenbelt Maryland, then yes. We are forced to contact law officials and lock down the student population. 11 students overdoes on methamphetamine in 3 days 2 years ago. Otherwise, I send them to the nurse, but its usually a ploy to skip class.

    6. Its a miserable thankless job. I hope to die each and every day I walk in the building. I have a feeling their is more narcotics sold in my class than in some entire cities. We have been forced to call the police over 25 times in the last 5 years due to drug and gang violence. I was threatened with a knife 4 years ago. An English teacher was hit in the back of the head and cracked her skull on the blackboard because she, and I quote, "Made me feel dumb, F that B'. She was in a coma for 3 hours and still has migraine headaches. Teaching public high school can be a war zone. Please rethink your career choice, please.  

  7. 1. I'm glad when a student corrects my mistakes on the board, it shows they are watching! I think it is good for the kids to know that I make mistakes too :o)

    2. I think most of the kids like me, but some don't.  Then again, this isn't a popularity contest...LOL

    3. Language arts and social studies.

    4. I think both are fun to teach because there is so much you can do with them and they can be taught together because there can be so much overlap.

    5. No place to panic. I had a child choke on a lifesaver in class once, I didn't panic until after we did the Heimlick and she was fine. I'm a Mom and have seen most sicknesses.

    6. I love it when I know a student has learned something--a light goes off. I love it when thanks me for a lesson plan that I spent extra care & time putting together hoping they'd like it.  I dislike students that bad talk others--they have no idea how hurtful their words are or how hurtful their "clique" behavior can be.

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