
If you are a teacher, some of your students became top in their profession,job etc., some people cannot,?

by  |  earlier

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what is your feeling towards your rich people, poor people?




  1. same feelings coz I taught all equally.

  2. Wealth plays no part in it, but I'm very proud of my students who have done well.  That could mean, though, that they got into a good graduate school or became a priest, rather than that they became rich!  I of course support those of my former students who are struggling, as long as it isn't something they are doing to themselves.  I know some great people who are having trouble finding the right career or who seem to be having trouble moving up, and I'll do anything I can to help them.

  3. i will go on doing my job as usual.

  4. I don't think about it at all. Personal responsibility plays a big part in whether people "make it" or "don't" in the USA.

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