
If you are a terrorist with a grudge against America, what would be your number one target?

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Mine would be the White House, strange this was not on the 9/11 hitlist




  1. The truth movement  and Alex Jones the actual shadow government are doing a fine job of ruining American lives constant tax destroying constitution in fact am sure the CFR traitors MC Cain and Obama will do a great job at pushing 4ward the n**i agenda of the NWO

  2. Keep in mind that the people who are terrorists do not think like us.

    They had previously made the threat to take down the World Trade Center. They had even tried to blow it once before. What did we do? We allowed the top US anti-Bid Laden guy to move his office there (RIP). Gullianni even put the anti-terrorsit command center there. The one known terrorist target site! You don't thumb your nose at the terrroists with impunity.

  3. Greedy middle class people - oops, they already targeted those on 9/11.

    For iconic American targets - how about the HQ of Ronald McDonald's, and a farm for the bullshit ?! lol.

  4. The Empire State Building, or the Statue of Liberty.

  5. I would say there are a couple of profilic sites in America that would cause national outcry... The Hollywood sign.. Mount Rushmore.. Empire state building.. statue of liberty..

    Its a pretty sad reality that people have to worry about things like this now a days :( ...

    Even though im Scottish... God Bless America :)

    L xxxxx

  6. Well as u know the white house was on the list but there was some people on that plane that decided to take control of it and not let it hit the white house THEY ARE CALLED HERO'S TODAY... gee where were you when that happened remember the say "LET'S ROLE"... Well let me see if i was a terrorist I hope someone would shoot me down before I hit any site of America! PEOPLE THIS IS OUR COUNTRY AND HERE ALL OF YOU ARE PLAYING ALONG WITH BIN LADEN! GEE GET A LIFE PEOPLE~ WHERE IS ARE AMERICAN PRIDE!!!! did it leave with the people that want to take away pledge of allegiance to are great flag taken out of the USA!!!

  7. Ben and Jerry's ice cream recipes

  8. I would either hit Hoover dam or an atomic power plant.

    I would not attack Congress, I want to hit something that actually has some value.

  9. fort knox..and the whitehouse was on the 9/11 list..

  10. the plane that went down due to the heroic sacrifices of the passengers in a Pennsylvania field was headed for the White House.

  11. It was, but they were stopped.    Psychologically, go for the Statue of Liberty.

  12. The super bowl. Obvious choice - mass media all watching, guaranteed huge amount of casualties, major American social occasion so maximum impact.

  13. I kinda think that the White House would be a lot of trouble for limited reward, if any.  No, I think it would be more likely to be banking and financial centers, childcare facilities, central offices for creditcard companies, abortion clinics, casinos (really any kind of business legal or otherwise considered a vice), News media offices, hospitals, or fire departments.

  14. Pentagon, White House, Capitol, Fox News Network.

  15. White House was on the list.

    For it's symbolism, I suppose one might pick the Statue of Liberty. To really shake up people's security a large public event such as a sporting event.

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