
If you are a true Beer lover, will you join the boycott of breweries that try to pass off a can as a bottle?

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they think that we are so stupid that if they shape a can like a bottle we will not know or taste the difference. I shot up all of my Budweiser steins and consider them beer traitors. Miller disrespects you by giving you a plastic beer bottle, they can kiss my asss. boycott the cottle! Men drink from glass,F*#kers




  1. While I appreciate your sentiment and am partly on your side I have to point out that 'REAL' beer comes in neither cans or bottles - real beer comes in barrels (or maybe casks) and is served from pumps into a proper drinking glass.  Drinking from a bottle direct completely destroys the true taste of the beer and as for drinking from a can - yuk - yuk - yuk.

  2. comon neocon i thought you guys were all about mass profits...if you're such a man why don't you stop complaining about the taste and guzzle down those preservatives, modified starch, and assorted additives...what are you afraid of colin cancer? liver failure? silly Gina

  3. Beer is a health drink not a liquor.

  4. haha such a strange thing to rant about but I have to say I totally agree. we americans are suckers though...we just continually allow manufacturers to cheapen their products little by little until we look around now and all we see is c**p. But we all just shrug and go along with it as though it's all a part of life and that as consumers we have no power over it.

    Alas we have ALL the power. We just don't use it.

  5. Real men don't drink Bud or Miller in the first place, so real men are already boycotting that swill.

  6. Budweiser isn't real beer.

    It's mass produced nasty lager.

    You shouldn't drink beer out of bottles unless you have to anyway - it should always be ale from a fresh barrel, tapped and vented in advance, kept cool in a cellar and hand drawn using a beer engine.

  7. C'mon by and I'll treat you to a Landshark Lager, from a real glass bottle. The only way to drink beer.

  8. Just brew your own already.

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