
If you are a vegetarian, please look at this question...?

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Hello there. I'm planning on becoming a vegetarian because I think that massive animal killing is a bit cruel. Also because I've been gaining quite a bit of weight due to my current food habits.

So here is a somewhat relevant question to the topic of vegetarianism:

Let's say you're drinking soup that contains MEAT. Is it okay to eat/drink the other stuff in the soup but leave out the meat?

That might be a silly question, but I was just wondering.




  1. i won't eat it because some of the meat product dissolved into the soup. i wouldn't eat it.

  2. if your just going vegetarian you are still supporting the massive animal kill.

    and no its not okay cause meat juices are in the soup.

    hope i helped out.


  3. no, because then you are still supporting the meat factories.

  4. If it's OK with you, it's OK.  But it's not vegetarian.  We don't eat animals and we don't drink them either.  Besides, you bought the meat whether you got the soup in the store or in a restaurant, meaning that you're contributing to the market demand for more meat.  It doesn't really matter whether you eat it or not, if you keep buying, they keep slaughtering.

  5. okay! it's okay if you're not totally comitted to it. If it's part of your religion like it is in hinduism (i think) then you shouldn't. because foods touched with meat is breaking you 100% committment.

    However, you are doing it as a way to lose weight and be non-cruel to animals. I think your thoughs and ideas are way above the normal people. but yeah, if you want to take the meat out, that's your choice.

  6. it's not really a silly question.

    but you really shouldn't buy the soup containing it. it still supports the industry and contributes to the cruelty.

    but if you didn't buy the soup, and are at someone's house or already had the soup before becoming vegetarian, then don't waste the soup. it's up to you on whether you want to eat the meat in that case.

    ultimately, it's your decision

  7. That's a good question. As others have said, it really depends on your reason for being vegetarian. If someone is veg just for health reasons, he/she would probably be OK with picking out the meat.

    If you're vegetarian out of a desire to reduce animal suffering, there's really no difference between picking out the meat and eating it. The number of animals that are bred and slaughtered depends directly on the consumer demand for meat. So buying meat increases the demand for meat and  directly increases the number of animals that will have to suffer & die in the future.

    I hope that makes sense. Good luck!

  8. well just cuz you call yourself a vegetarian, doesnt mean you have to do everything vegetarian. Ive heard that there are names for every type of eater out there. You can be an ova vegetarian, or a pescetarian or anything. Yes its ok to have soup and skip the meat. Do whatever you want. But just to let you know, if the soup has meat, it probably means it was made with some sort of meat or chicken based broth. So either're getting some animal.

    Personally i am vegan pescetarian, which yes i know they totally contradict each other...i eat fish, no meat, and barely dairy. But im not about to kill myself and worry about tiny things like soup and stuff..

    seriously, dont worry about it

  9. It depends on where your ethics stand. Are you against personally eating meat? Or are you against the meat industry?

    Eating a can of chicken noodle soup and picking out the chicken isn't going to help show the meat industry that you're not interested. If you buy the soup, you create demand for it, and they keep supplying. So while you're not eating animals, you're not exactly saying "no" to animal slaughter, either.

    At a restaurant, I have no problem asking for the meat on the side (if I get a salad or pasta or something), because I know somebody I'm with is probably bound to eat it. I would never, however, buy something that I knew was full of meat or dairy and remove it. It seems like it defeats the purpose.

  10. First off, I'm going to let you know I'm not a vegetarian.

    That said, I think it depends on what your main reason for becoming a vegetarian is.

    If you're mainly in it for the philosophical reason that you don't like the "massive animal killing," avoid the soup altogether. By buying it, you're still supporting the makers of the soup and that particular product.

    If you're doing it mainly for the health reasons, you could just eat the meat or eat around it. I'm sure the little bits of meat aren't that unhealthy. By eating around it, you're still supporting the production of meat by purchasing it, but it has now gone to waste by not eating it.

    The best advice I can give to you is do what you feel is right. If you want to be a strict vegetarian, that is fine, or if you want to cut back on meat, that is also great. Don't let others' definitions of what is ok dictate what you can and can't do.

  11. your not supost to have chicken or beef stock but if there is meat in the soup dont be rude and refuse it just pick it out the meat and enjoy the rest

  12. It's really up to you. I would not eat soup with meat in it but I ca not tell you how you should eat.

  13. no it's not silly at all,

    it's all about you,

    some vegetarians don't mind, as long as what they are eating is not meat,

    and some vegetarians will not eat anything that has come in contact with meat!

    as for me, i would rather stay away from it =]

  14. of course its okay, its up to you how comitted a vegan you become

  15. There's no strict "rule" of vegetarinism that offers a definite answer.  It depends on your own comfort level.  If you're becoming a vegetarian for health reasons, you probably would go ahead and eat the other ingrediants.

    On the other hand, if you're a vegetarian for ethical reasons, you probably wouldn't.  If anything in my food contains meat, I won't eat it at all, but that's because I feel uncomfortable eating foods that have even touched meat.

    Just do what feels right to you.  If something makes you feel guilty, don't do it.  If it doesn't, don't worry about it.

  16. generally, no it isnt, infact it is worse than eating it, because you are still giving money to the meat industry and now you are wasting food on top of it.

  17. Well, if you are trying to reduce animal suffering, then buying soup with meat in it but not consuming the meat part isn't really helping. You're still buying it and supporting the industry. Plus, there is meat broth and juice in soups that contain meat-ick!

    If you are becoming vegetarian for the animals, then no that is not ok. It would be very hypocritical.

  18. I've been a vegetarian all my life, and I honestly don't care about the animals. I don't eat meat because it's a dead animal, and it's discusting.

    I ask you a question, if it was human meat in the soup, would you eat it??? I'm pretty sure you won't. If you really care about animal suffering you probably don't eat it, but if it's about gaining weight, just eat the soup.

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