
If you are a vegetarian, why did you?

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Why did you choose to become a vegetarian?

a) family tradition (because your parents are)

b) religious reasons

c) for your health (diet, cholesterol stuff)

d) sympathy for animals

e) allergic to meat and dairy

f) some other reasons

Animals eat other animals so I don't think (d) can be a good reason to be a vegetarian.

Also, would you force your kids/spouse to be a vegetarian?




  1. I became vegan because of health reasons (c), sympathy for animals (d), allergies to dairy, and one of my friends convinced me to become one (f).  I'm lactose intolerant.  I wouldn't force someone to do something they don't want to do, but I would try to convince them that it's the moral thing to do.  I don't have a husband or kids.  I'm 17.

  2. Due to the genetic bomb threat,  I no longer belive the diet will help ; however,  I still think it is healthy. I now drink from the rose for the genetic bomb threat.

  3. If you don't understand "d", you could watch Earthlings to get some idea.

    I don't have a problem with people eating animals, I have a problem with how they are raised.

  4. I'm not a vegetarian, but my cousin (she's a girl) is.

    She did it because she didn't like the taste of meat, and it was for her health too.

    She wouldn't force anyone (not even her kids or spouse) to become a vegetarian.


  5. B, C ,  and D.

  6. e) allergic to meat and dairy..I get real bad case of being bloated and hives whenever I eat them..

    I wish I could eat a steak..but I could it sucks..*cries in a corner** I want steak..

  7. c and d

    no animal needs to die to supply us with a hamburger...the health benefits are great too

    i am a christian, and dont like to eat God's creations

  8. I see this question on here all the time.  I think that most people, myself included, do it because it is cruel to animals to eat meat.

  9. Same reasons as person above me exactly..h8 meat and milk  oops same reasons as J

  10. I do it for 'd'.

    And though you may not think it a good reason, I'd have to disagree.

    Though other animals are carnivorous (and people are omnivores) no other species mass breeds other species in order to kill them and over-consume. We've made all other animals our possessions and I think that's wrong. I would be fine with eating meat if I was killing a wild animal on my own and I didn't waste any of it, but that doesn't apeal to me. I think we've desensitized ourselves as a people and need to realize we've robbed so many animals of their lives without any regret.

    I would never force anyone to be vegetarian, people make their own decisions and that's fine. I am greatly annoyed when people tell me my decision not to eat meat is 'wrong' and 'stupid' so why would I force my own beliefs on someone who didn't want them?

  11. I went vegetarian for a mix of health concerns and animal rights. I went vegan purely for animals, but the health benefits are a fabulous side-effect. ;]

    Animals eat other animals, sure, but they don't use torturous factory farming methods or eat byproducts (eggs, milk) from other species. I'd be okay with meat if people hunted it with their hands and teeth. Animals don't use guns or electric prods in the wild.

    I wouldn't force a spouse to be veg*n, and if I had a child and s/he wanted to eat nonvegan food, they'd have to pay for it and make it themselves. I'd be okay with them eating it outside of my house, but my money doesn't go towards an industry of slaughter, sorry.

  12. both 'c' and 'd' ... I know my friend did because of 'c' 'd' and 'e'

  13. f) I became because I realized that humans are herbivorous, unless you like eating raw meat you can consider yourself carnivorous, but if you like only cooked meat…. well … you live in a lie.

    And when I became... my life changed a lot, I could not be with someone that is not vegetarian..... so my wife became also... for me at the beggining ...  but now she truly believes all of this stuff.....

  14. d i feel bad for the animals

  15. c, d and because i just don't really like meat or milk.  d is a good reason because other animals don't treat the animals they eat as cruelly as we do.  plus some animals are naturally carnivores but we are not, we can survive and thrive on just vegetables.  i would never force anyone, kids/spouse, to be a vegetarian too.  i would give them my reasons and not be mad at whatever they choose.

  16. Intellect...Awareness...Conscience...

    Nevertheless, if the current uptrend is continue (and other factors remain unchanged), 43.2% of world population  will be vegetarians by the year 2019. (Even some survey & researches predicted the figure would be much higher)

    This is where the world is leading to.

  17. I say C & D, it was C first then becam D after a while! And you also my F would be for the environment!

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