
If you are a women have you ever taken down a guy bigger and stronger then you

by  |  earlier

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if yes how did you do it




  1. Grab him behind the knees and pull up towards you while you shove your right shoulder into his stomach with the force of your whole upper body. It'll flip almost anymore.

  2. i have been taken down by a smaller weaker girl you just have to do the techniques right. go take a martial arts class. if you want to throw guys to the ground take judo, aikido or juijitsu or something like that.

  3. Men have kick in the boys and he is down!

  4. While playing tackle football on the beach with a youth group, I tackled a tough 21 year old Marine.

    He had the ball and was running for a touchdown. So I ran after him, reached out, wrapped my arms around his ankles, and we both hit the ground so hard that it knocked the breath out us.

    I was about 30 at the time and I've bragged about it ever since but have always wondered if I cheated when I did that?

  5. ^_^

  6. Well, my boyfriend was holding me hostage in the kitchen in a play fight one day, there was no way my strength could get me out of his hold so i did a little trick i learned from an email earlier that day, i pinched him as hard as i bloody could on the inside of his upper arm, he let go of me instantly and i kept hold until he dropped to his knees... it came up in the biggest bruise ever and the next day at work he showed his mates and one guy said it was great, and that's what they taught the girls to do in the self defense class he the email i read a girl used this to get away from an attacker and she actually ripped out some tendons and stuff, the guy had to have surgery to fix it!  

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