
If you are accepted by more than one literary agent...?

by  |  earlier

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If you send out quite a few query letters to literary agents (which within them you state that it is one of multiple submissions) and you happen to have more than one of them accept (which I know would be a blessing on its own) and you know which one you would like as your agent how do you politely turn the other one down? Thanks.





  1. I would carefully consider each agent. I would do research on each agent. I would have a lawyer look at any offers the agents make to you.

    I would beware of any agent who wants you to pay them a fee.

    The agent should make their money from selling your book to a publisher.

    If you are seeking an agent, please visit this web site.

    Good luck!


  2. The same way you would handle this is if you were offered two job at the time but can only accept one.  You write a professional letter stating that you appreciate their willingness to be you're literary agent but you have been accepted by another agent and you have already taken their offer.  You also need to thank them for their time in considering you as a client.  Actually it's wise to thank them for their and consideration no matter what the outcome.

  3. Can that even happen?

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