
If you are against Obama does that make you a racist?

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If you are against Hillary are you sexist? Why can't you just be an American with an opinion.

There are many reasons to support or not support either. Why label someone when you do not know their reasons one way or the other.




  1. No, it doesn't make you a racist, unless you are a racist.

    I don't like Hillary or Obama.

  2. People are dumb.  This is evident with electing Bush twice;  a numerous failed businessman who hasn't done much for America.

    Hate Obama, hate Hillary.  Reasons don't matter.  But each of them will play the card they are dealt;  Obama because he's black will play the race card, and Hillary will play the sexist card because she's female.

    The best hope for America is Ron Paul, but he wasn't religious enough or enough of a supposed war hero to rate.

    So America gets the lesser of all the evils, which will still s***w America in the long run.

    The American people vote in what they deserve.  Until they wise up...nothing will change.

  3. That is certainly how the Democrats will spin it.

    In a gallop poll 55% of married men said that they woudl not under any circumstance vote for Hillary...suddenly all men that weren't going to vote for her became sexist.

    Just like the Dems blamed Nadar, then hanging chads for Gore's loss, they will be blaming sexism or racism for whichever of the two loses in the next Presidential election.

  4. yes you are a racist or sexist if you are against them because obama is black and hillary is a female, but if you are against them because of their policies and stuff, then i dont think you are sexist or racist

  5. Agree. Interesting, though, that I don't hear Obama supporters calling Clinton supporters "racists", but I hear plenty of Clinton supporters calling anyone who doesn't support her "sexist." Which is weird, because she's not really a feminist anyway! (See link.)

  6. LOL Good question!! This is just like if your aren't for Bush you are anti American! What a load!

    What it all comes down to in a nutshell:

    Ignorance hates, if you want to be a hater you will not look into issues that are important to our future, the future of our children. Or you'll only care about 1 issue, regardless if the rest cripple our economy and livelihood.

    You can hate for many reasons because your democrat, republican, black, white, female, male, religious, not religious oh the list goes on and on... it all comes down to lack of intelligence and ignorance. Yes, they say ignorance is bliss. But is it?

    Thanks for bringing this up...

  7. Yes, I am against Obama, and I am a racist. And since I am against Hillary I should have surgery to become a man!

    Actually, I just don't like either one. Hillary ain't lookin so bad though anymore.

  8. yes it does and dont compare sexism to racism because its an insult to the millions of dead slaves and native americans who helped build this country

  9. I'm by no means either a racist or sexist, I'm a realist. In my opinion Obama has not had enough experience to handle the obstacles before him....All of our problems just at home are overwhelming to say nothing of repairing our standing globally. I in fact  think he's a great politician, that being said I still think Mrs. Clinton has the experience and knowledge of the ins and outs of the political process to be the best qualified for the job. I would love to see Obama as V. P. with her for 4-8 years at which time he should run for President and then I'd say he would be one of the GREATEST President we have had.

  10. No.

    Don't think so.

    Just fun time in " Got - them" city in "Funky town" with all the "Electric dreams" in "Electric Avenue"

    Luke 8.10,17

    What do you think?

  11. yes definetly racist, if he was white wouldnt everybody love him

  12. Nope

  13. Of course not. If an African American espoused the politics of Mike Huckabee, he'd be supported by conservatives. The GOP'd probably have his Christian baptismal certificate widely circulated too...making a non-issue of that little nonsense.

  14. No. I hate him because he is a Democrat, I hate The draft dodgers wife for the same reason

  15. Blacks who use the term African-American in today's society are still separatists. Since Obama's blackness means downplaying his white half he's doing nothing more than appeasing the more radical blacks including those of his church. By playing to these groups he picks up a fairly important block of voters such as: White Americans who are out to show how open they are (also known as white-guilt or liberal guilt); blacks who follow the likes of sharpton, jackson and others like the NOI tend to get worked up and do what the leadership dictates and react; finally inner-city blacks who have been told for years that no one cares about them unless it's a black leader (see new orleans post katrina). With these numbers and a behind the scenes effort to get them to the polls (one of the only things I actually agree with here) Obama has reached the point in the election he has.

    All of this support would evaporate instantly if Obama were white. If you compare his decisions, voting record, stances etc against any president in the last 100 years you would find him woefully lacking in both ability and experience. He is an orator who has gotten this far by riding his color not his skills. Had he given himself 2 more elections or run for Governor in Illinois perhaps he'd learn enough to be a skilled president. Even his wife shows how unprepared they both are for the stress and pressures of the White House.

  16. No, Obama needs to crawl under a rock and stay there,  and Hillary isn't any better.... OMG, I am just a plain white woman!!

  17. It entirely depends on why.  If you are against Obama, because you don't want change, or because you don't think he can deliver, or because you don't think he is experienced then that's politics.  If you are against Obama because he is black or his mother is white, or because you believe the c**p about him being a Muslim, or because you believe the c**p about him being a black separatist, or because you believe any of the ridiculous c**p being slung at him, and have been repeating the c**p because you want others to believe it, then, yes, you are a racist - and an idiot.

  18. no, it is the reason that you hate him that makes you a racist.

  19. no i do not think it makes you racist....just means you have american PRIDE

  20. I don't like any of them so I guess I'm just a hater of people that don't see the real problems like the health Insurance of the poor ,whats with that ,all you have to do is take all the money we give to other country's and spend it at home for Americans use ,learn to take care of your home base first and then give to those neighbors later when your country is fixed how hard is that.

  21. no

    but people who hate Obama with the excuse that they think he is a Muslim, they look racist to me and are just covering it up

    I see people who don't like Obama because of his policies or lack of experience just normal people with normal opinions

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