
If you are an air-hostess, tell me what can you do when you were faced with an angry customer?

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If you are an air-hostess, tell me what can you do when you were faced with an angry customer?




  1. dont tell him to calm down... that will only make things work. i used to tend bar  and the best way i found to calm someone down was ask them to step outside... you can try, seriously if you can ask them to come with you to a private area then sympathies with  their situation ask what they would like you to do to try and help them out.. then explain your point of view BRIEFLY, and do the best you can to alieveate the sittuation , its kind of like barganing on the street , best to give them the last word... and if all else fails , ask them to step outside!

  2. lock him in the toilet

  3. If it's your fault apologize. If it's not explain the situation, if you can. If he's still anry tell him there are air marshalls on the flight.

  4. feed him more dog for dinner

  5. be really nice and then go c**p in his food

  6. Smile sweetly, look him in the eyes and act dumb. I am sure the guys in the plane will gladly help out!

  7. I like the idea of kick him out the door but if he or she is not drunk which is sometimes the problem for irate check in and on board  temper tantrums , I would acknowledge there is a  problem :

    "Sir / madam   I see you are upset and I want to help you  but right now I do not understand the reason for your anger .  Can you please help me understand the problem so I can help you ?"

    By showing you want to help and recognizing there is a problem it may deflate the anger.

    If he continues to be obnoxious , suggest he wait until landing at which point the station manager will talk with him ( or the police will haul his obnoxious butt to jail)

  8. Keep your smiling face and try to find out WHY he is angry? May be he was dumped by his girlfriend. You may not expect to please everyone. There are a lot of jerks out there who think they are GOD. Try to avoid facing them as much as possible. You need to save your energy and enthusiasm to serve other civilized customers.

  9. Open the plane door and kick him out!

  10. Smile and make him feel more comfortable by offering some entertainment that the plane has. customers are always right, responsibility as air stewardess is suppose to give their best service. If such thing occur and couldnt manage this angry customer, ur not suitable to serve and be in service line.

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