
If you are an animal, what would you be?

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I'll bet Mr Crab will be...of course a crab




  1. human. the highest form of animal.

  2. dolphin or whale

  3. ^

    definitely rottweiler...

    to tear apart someone i dont like...

  4. rabitt.

    or cat..

    i taw i taw a putty cat..wiwiwi..

  5. dolphin

  6. roaster

    how is the feeling become kenny rodges roaster?

  7. wanna be a *snake*   ...huhuhuuuuu...

    u know *snake* my way to the top (of the corporate ladder... hehehe...  too long 'tahan' funny people here....)


  8. an ant... leh selit anywhere... hehehe...

    and we love sweet stuff.. ;)

  9. The King of the Jungle - The Lion.

  10. Tiger

  11. Easy... a cat. Since I'm already one. As to what type of cat... the regular cat

  12. elephant because big

  13. a hawk

    PEACE =D

  14. Panda (only thing that is protected in China)

  15. and butterfly will be butterfly

  16. nobody wants to be an animal........I don't wanna be an animal even I'm lost my mind......

  17. i would say........a duck ......

  18. Cockroach

  19. still HUMAN..

  20. chicken..

    i want to know how does it feel having a life waiting to be a KFC

  21. Tigress



      because it is fast

  23. Crab...but I don't know why..

  24. Malayan Tiger (Harimau Malaya) or Mad Cow (Lembu Gila) which is my clone of course............

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