
If you are an environmentalists,and your child was deathly allergic to the oak tree outside of your home ,?

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WOULD YOU CUT IT DOWN ?and maby cut down the rest of them in your neighborhood ,to save his life? HOW DEVOTED ARE YOU?




  1. I am not a Watermellon(enviromentalist-green on outside red with alot of seeds on the inside) so id kill ever oak tree that I can LOL~~~

  2. In theory you can't just go getting rid of things that can cause allergic reactions - if you did what would you have left? No trees, no flowers, no animals, etc, etc, etc.

    But you can't risk someone's life. It's a difficult one. The world can't be changed because of one person. There must be another way of saving the child's life without destroying every piece of nature in the area.

  3. To begin with I wouldn't have purchased a home with Oak Trees all about knowing full well my child was allergic to them. If he or she developed the allergies later in life after the home was purchased I would have to relocate as we are talking about ones ability to breathe here.

  4. There is unrest in the forest

    There is trouble with the trees

    For the maples want more sunligh

    And the oaks ignore their pleas

    The trouble with the maples

    (and theyre quite convinced theyre right)

    They say the oaks are just too lofty

    And they grab up all the light

    But the oaks cant help their feelings

    If they like the way theyre made

    And they wonder why the maples

    Cant be happy in their shade?

    There is trouble in the forest

    And the creatures all have fled

    As the maples scream `oppression!`

    And the oaks, just shake their heads

  5. An environmentalist won't harm the environment and a parent won't harm his/her child, so a compromise would be to move to another area where your child wouldn't be allergic to its trees.

  6. They would sacrifice their son for the poor tree's life.

  7. I hear oak makes a nice flavor in the grill....funny lighting struck the tree and it became a hazard.

  8. One can live an environmentally sound lifestyle and still cut down the tree in front of the house.  However, if the child is allergic to oak threes, the problem is MUCH more serious than the tree in front of the house and those on the block.  Oak pollen is carried in the air from all the trees in the area.  The question poses a false choice.  Instead, the child needs to be given appropriate allergy medication.  If it is an issue of life or death, from airways closing up, the child and parent should carry and learn how to use an epi pen (see below).

  9. Saving the the environment is more important than human life. I make sure my cat gets better health care than my daughter. The polar bears in ANWR are more important than being able to come home and flip my light switch on, or having gas for my car. I would rather use corn to make bio-fuel, and cause food prices to skyrocket and watch millions of people around the world starve to death because they cant afford food anymore. Every time I take a breath and exhale, I release that horrible,evil, planet destroying Co2. If we just eliminate the human race, then we wouldn't have to worry about this man made global warming anymore.So yes, I would let my child die, rather than getting rid of that tree. I am THATdevoted.

  10. Of course I'd let my child die, and then out of anger and resentment I'd put down all the trees  -- not only on my street

    COME ON! Of course, I'd cut it down or I'd find another home! I'm not an intense environmentalist but this is nuts...

  11. sc

  12. In my city I would not have the choice.

    We would literally need a permit to cut it down.

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