
If you are an environmentaly concerned person, how many children do you plan to have?

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Also wondering what country you live in?

About how old are you? (teen, 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, ect)

Children you plan to have, or how many you have, if you are done having children?




  1. You should ask Angelina Jolie. She has a lot of kids and takes care of the environment

  2. I am in my 30's and have 2 kids and enjoy there company greatly.  we work together as a team and try and be as environmental as possible.  we find that the extra hands help and we try not to use motors as much as possible.

  3. I'm not really very environmentally concerned but I'm a teen and 3 would be nice. I would increase the developed world's growth rate by like .00000000001% YAY!!!

  4. I am an environmentalist.  I plan to have 1 child at the most, possibly adopt one rather than having one of my own (but I do have good genes!).  I'm 26.

  5. I have 4. I have no plans for more, but I do not know what God has planned for me. I live in the United States. I am concerned about the diaper problem and have been considering solutions. Do you have one?

  6. Three, one to replace me, one to replace my first husband and one to replace my second husband.  That makes one child a piece, which is population neutral.  Oh and I am in my 40's.

  7. I'm an yeah overpopulation definitely is an issue now a days.

    I'm a teen

    and I DEFINITELY want to adopt. Not sure how many, but I know at least one.

    I would like to have 1 or 2 of my own though.

    and then adopt 1 or 2.

    i don't understand people who are against adoption.

    like people will go to the ends of the earth to have a baby of their own, when there's a million starving children who need a home already...

    just a thought...

  8. England 40's no children yet.

    Deeply into the Environment and human populaion levels are critical but I would love kids one day. I have always wanted them and I still plan on having a kid or two if I ever meet the right person.

  9. I am environmentally concerned. I am 55 years old. I live in California, USA. I have been married 4 times. Between myself and all of my marriage partners, we have 1 child. I feel that I took responsibility for actually reducing the world population, even though I love children, and would have liked to have more... especially as I am a small farmer who would like to be able to teach more children how to care for the land. In lue of having more children, I mentored a number of young people in farming related endeavors.

    I encourage all women of breeding age to consider limiting the number of children you have for the sake of all people everywhere.

    It is very simple. If you put more cows in a pasture than it will support... they will almost all die of starvation, no matter how much food the pasture produces. The number of animals a pasture can "carry" is called the "carrying capacity" of the pasture. Earth has a "carrying capacity"... we need to be aware that this capacity can be exceeded, and act responsibly in relationship to this understanding. I ask this: If not you and I...then who will do this?

  10. I am in my 50s, and you can thank me for not reproducing.

    Humans are the biggest cause of environmental damage, and I will not create any more to add to this problem.

  11. I am in my 30's I have one already.  Not really planning any more, but I am open to the possibility.  I am enviornmentally aware, but don't believe that everyone should have children.  I think all of the people that have a problem with overpopulation should not have any kids.  Problem solved.

  12. 42 (nearly)

    England. Two Children.

    My family is complete.



    1) No contraceptive method is 100% effective. In the event of a contraceptive accident, there are only three choices, abortion, adoption or keeping the child. For some the first two are unacceptable.

    So whilst environmental issues are extremely important, we can not allow ourselves to preach. Until there is 99.99% fail proof contraception, the only way to guarantee that no pregnancy occurs is not having s*x.

    2) However, in the poorest countries of the world, 350 million women did not want their last child or another child. They need good information and affordable/free family planning/birth control services

    3) Levels of population are just part of the equation. The reason why size of population is important is the availability of sustainable resources. An area that can physically 'fit' a large number of people in, is overpopulated if it has just ONE more person than can be sustained on that area.

    4) We need to address our belief systems and legislation. Population is not just about number of live births it is also about the death rate. We have an aging population. More people live longer. More people live longer in very poor health. We have made massive technological advances that keep people alive much longer than they used to be. Many people are now writing living wills refusing treatment if certain ill health situations arise, to ensure that they are not kept alive in those circumstances. Our laws also prevent people from determining their time of death (suicide or assisted suicide).

    5) Developed countries use FAR MORE finite resources than poorer ones. As Suzuki (1993) says Overpopulation is bad but overconsumption is worse (see abstract first link).

  13. not as environmentaly concerned as i probably should be... i do care soemwhat though...

    i am in my 20s i have two children and do not plan to have any more. another child would inable my first two from being in activities in high school, possibly buying their first cars for them... etc... note: i'm a single mother, which is cause for my concern, but perhaps if i meet "mr. right" i would have another child....but "mr. right" doesnt exist in this world.

    i used to want four kids...back when i had just one.... .

  14. I'm 27 and plan on having one or two children. I think what is more important though is what you are going to teach your children if you are ecologically minded. I plan on making sure my children can grow vegetables and fruit. I want them to know the importance of nature and respect it. I want them to be able to make some of their own personal care products. I want them to bike and walk places instead of asking me for a car. I want them to grow up around farm animals and truly realize where their food comes from. They won't have a million toys and they won't get $100 t-shirts. Their toys and clothes will be used from Goodwill or thriftstores. Once they are done with them they will be donated again. I don't want my children to put so much value in stuff.

  15. I'm 23 years old and I have one child. My plans for more children aren't really up for discussion as of yet. I teach my daughter the basics (she's 3 years old) of taking care of our environment. We recycle, walk where we can (or bike), plant flowers and our own veggies and make sure to conserve as much as we can. I think that it doesn't matter how many children you have as long as you teach them how to respect and care for the earth we live on.

  16. I don't plan on having any.  But you never say never.

    I live in the U.S. I will be 35 in June.  The random violence and depleting resources have discouraged  me from wanting to conceive children. I don't want to raise children just to have some wacko shoot them in college or at the mall. I also don't want them to have to deal with famine, global warming, climate shift, etc.

  17. 20's, I plan on having zero.


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