
If you are an expert and know for a fact that I'm just average, would you dare if I challenge you to...?

by  |  earlier

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...let me hit you once in your SOLAR PLEXUS as hard as I want whereas you can punch me 3-5 times with full strength too but only right in the BELLYBUTTON?




  1. It is a strange question. Before there are certain body parts such as solar plexus, groin and neck that i thought can be conditioned. I have experience a master's neck, the whole neck , is as hard a a block of wood. you can not even claw his wind pipe.  He can take hits to the throat with no troubles. I was amazed. So now i would not be surprise if some masters can condition their solar plexus, because some of the monks can let you kick their groins with no trouble, because they learn to pull their balls up into their body to protect them.

    As for getting hit by a expert in the belly button, you may just get internal bleeding  and die. There are people capable of that sort of power.

  2. Why do you keep asking this question?

  3. I guess the first answer was not adequate.

    It is what you call a loaded question. So NO!

  4. Actually I would be completely willing to do it if you allow me to change the target area.

    I would let you hit me once as hard as you can in the solar plexus (provided you actually know where it is).

    In exchange for 3 to 5 hits from me, but instead of your bellybutton. You let me hit you just beneath your right floating rib. Basically about 5 or 6inches NW of your bellybutton.

    In fact, I would even give you 5 hits to my solar plexus for allowing me to hit you twice in the spot I described above.

  5. No self-respecting expert would take on a challenge from just some guy with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove.

    They have better things to do with their time.

  6. my friends can hit me quite hard in the solar plexus without doing anything to me, but im 13 and ure probs much older, so i wouldn't accept.

  7. Sure ... I go first and you have to throw your punch within 30 seconds of me throwing my last one. If you can't get up in time to throw the punch all bets are void. You are counted as physically unable to perform and we go our seperate ways. What do you think?


  9. im no expert, but im no idiot...

  10. so if by accident i hook you to the chin, it wouldn't count cause it wasn't on your belly button?

  11. you are giving yourself the better strike, expert, average, or retarded, no matter what if you hit someone in the solar plexus they are gonna feel it.

    as one of my teachers once said..there are no stupid questions..just stupid people

  12. You have asked this same thing here yesterday and in other categories. My answer is still the same. I could kill you, but you could not hurt me at all, in such an exchange of blows, and there are other men to whom you should not present such a challenge. How big are you?

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